Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You can do with some weight loss!

One of my colleagues asked me to go on the soup diet with her today. She thinks that I could do with the weight loss, especially after she found out my sister is a chef and mentioned that she could see that my sister is a chef, because I look as if everything I eat is still stuck to my body. I know I can benefit from losing a few kilos, but I will do it on my own terms. I have already started with a complete lifestyle change in September last year. And it is not like all I do is eat. Yes, I will eat some junk food every now and then, but it is not like all I do the whole day is over eat.

Anyway, everyday she starts off our day with more weight remarks and I can't ignore her because my desk is right next to hers. Maybe I am too sensitive but I think that there is something wrong with my human chemistry or something. I keep on pulling all the mean people to me and I don't want to keep saying that I am not a peoples person because that makes me sound like a complete freak of nature.

Honestly, I do struggle with my weight, but I am doing something about it. I already made peace with the fact that I wont lose all the weight fast. It will take time and I would rather make sure the weight stays off instead of picking every kilo back up after a week. Usually my writing is my coping mechanism, but I haven't been doing much of that lately, which probably explains my horrid mood.


  1. My, you seem to have some really compassionate people at your work place.

    I also find that there is a direct correlation between my moods and the amount of writing I get done. But then again, I could say that about exercise and eating as well... anyway, as I've been on a writing hiatus for a few days, the more I think about NOT writing, the more I stress out.

    Of course blogging can be a great outlet for writing when you just can't seem to put another word in your stories. For me though, I just use it to procrastinate.

  2. It is comforting to know someone feels the same way about not writing. It can drive you crazy when you can't do something you love to do.

    I agree, blogging is a good outlet but I sometimes feel like I complain far too much.

    Thank you for the comment. It is nice to have another writer I can relate too.


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I am alive and well. Life keeps going on.  I've started re-formatting the e-book of the Executioner (my 2nd fantasy book in my Thelum se...