beautiful friends. How is everyone doing? I hope all is well. I wanted to give
you an update of what I’m up to, or explain why I’m not blogging, after
promising I’d be getting back to a regular blog routine.
currently in writing mode. Last week I started the second draft of book two and
have been powering ahead full steam. I had a little bump in the road yesterday,
freaking out about how book 1 and 2 differed in the Thelum series, and all
sorts of other things like that. Reading book 1 again has made me feel like I
want to go back over it again. Of course, it doesn’t really need it, but I have
changed as a writer, and have to remember, book 1 is a product of its own. I
have this tendency to always want to change things. Luckily I had two good
people remind me that things aren’t as bad as I thought, and to keep my focus on
my current work in progress. Yes, I still feel insecure after I had published
my book years ago. And I probably always will be.
Lately I’ve
been of the feeling and thought that I simply want to be working on my writing
more. I have forgotten what my first priority is, aside for family and my fur
babies, and that is writing.
I’ve been
giving into the bad habit of reading all articles and posts all over the
Internet about marketing, tips on why I’m not selling more books and all things
in that kind of line of thought. I’ve been wasting too much time worrying about
not being good enough, and the truth is I simply don’t have enough writing to
promote in the first place. Marketing is a tough job already, but not having
anything else to offer readers is a problem.
On why I
haven’t been blogging. I simply don’t feel I have anything all that interesting
to say, share, or offer anyone at the moment. I don’t want to blog simply to
post. I also don’t want to post things like, “I’m down right now” anymore,
because I tend to be down a lot and that’s hardly anything new and it’s not
always because I struggle with depression. I’m simply moody in general. So, I
feel I should only blog when there is something interesting to say, or if it
might be of any use to anyone. That’s just my opinion on my own blog. I don’t
really think there’s anything useful about me simply stating what I’m doing
from day to day.
Also, I’ve
been feeling like an ass about not always having the energy to return comments.
After all, that’s what blogging is all about. The interaction. Sometimes going
around to return comments tire me out. But I always aim to return a visit. But
I’ve been considering turning off comments on posts, if I know I won’t be
around to return comments, or visits. It think it’s only fair. What do you
think about that?
I’ve also
been reading a lot. I devoured The Harry Potter series and absolutely enjoyed
it. It was great fun. I just wish I could read more about what they got up to
after they left Hogwarts. Did they go back to finish their final year at school?
What happened after they saved he wizarding world? Stuff like that. I have been reading some
Kathy Reichs as well. Complete genre opposites, but I’ve really been enjoying
So that’s it from me. I’ll
be getting back to my writing. What is your opinion on turning off blog comments all together, or just for certain posts? Let me know how you are doing.