Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I am really excited to see this movie and it also happens to be my favorite book in the twilight series. I read on the Internet lately that Stephenie Meyer's twilight series is based on some of the greatest loves stories in history apparently. Twilight = Pride and prejudice, New moon = Romeo and Juliet and Eclipse = Wuthering heights. Don't blame me, I didn't make the comparison and personally I didn't like any of the original books, especially Wuthering heights, though the authors were very talented, I'm sorry.
I am especially looking forward to the bickering between Edward and Jacob. I personally like both characters so, I sympathize with Bella. Either of those two guys can come visit me anytime. Ha! Ha! Ha!
I know I am being very creepy. Anyway, I will write a post on Friday saying what I thought of the movie.
Monday, June 28, 2010
I fall under the category of writers who have routines and schedules that keep me on the straight and narrow. Of course I have an endless supply of ideas and things in my head, but sometimes you are having an off day or an off week and you don't necessarily feel like writing.
So, with that said, what can you do to keep you motivated to finish that manuscript? Honestly? That will depend on yourself. Each writer is different because every one's personality is different. But there are a few basic things you can do in my opinion:
- You have to keep writing. If necessary, work out a writing schedule or pick a certain time of day you feel most inspired at. But you can't stop.
- Don't forget to eat. I know this sounds weird, but I have recently experimented with this and eating regularly helps your mood and thinking a lot better then if you skip meals. Besides, you pick up weight when you skip meals.
- Find your own sources of inspiration. I get my favourite Cd's and listen to them when I write. Nothing like a little Linkin Park to keep you hyped up.
- Get yourself a designated writing area. So, when you go there, you know that this is manuscript writing time. I carry a notebook with me everywhere to write my ideas in, but when I get in front of my computer, I know it is manuscript writing time.
- Love what you do. This might sound basic, but write stories you love. As soon as you start doing what everyone else is doing, instead of doing what you love, you are doomed. I love each and everyone of my characters. I love bringing them to life and not doing that infuriates me. So, when I don't write I am a real Meany.
- If you feel overwhelmed and need to take a break, do so. Sometimes you need to get away to get a better perspective of things.
- Prioritise. You can still have a life, but what you need is balance. I am not a very social person, so I don't mind writing a lot. But most people are very social and they get upset if they are stuck in front of the computer for hours. So, go out and have fun, but don't forget to do some writing too.
I think that is it. Like I said before, this is what I think. You might have other ways to keep yourself motivated. But no two people are a like therefore, no two writers are a like either. You might have similar writing style as someone else, but the way how you get to the end results will differ. So what works for J.K. Rowling, might not work for you. Find what gives you that extra kick when you need it. Nothing illegal please!
Writing is very personal and it is very hard work. There is no way around the hard work, sorry. You have to put in the time to get the results you want.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
How Long is a Book?: Determining the Right Word Count for your Novel
I was doing some research for myself and I thought I might share this helpful article with you. Enjoy!
I hate rude people
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I should never have stopped. In fact I sort of didn't. I didn't write down any artistic ideas, but I wrote down how I felt and the kinds of emotions I was feeling at the time. No, I guess that doesn't count.
During college, I also got rid of everything I ever wrote. Poetry, short stories and lyrics. I threw them away as I sign of me, becoming mature. I can kick myself for that stupid move! I guess there's no point living in regret. All I can do now, is start over.
I just hope that one day when I am a famous writer (wink, wink) that some of that old work won't turn up and people will try and make money off them. By saying ''Hey, this is Murees, Dupé's work. You can buy it from us for $...'' I like dreaming. It keeps me smiling.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
So basically what I said was this:
''I rather enjoyed her books. Sorry...but I did. And i actually like her writing style. She is a very good story teller and personally I just sympathize with Bella, because I am a loner who unlike her, never found where I fit in. And in real life there is no Edward or Jacob. But I still liked the books though. I don't mind that she made her vampires different. As a writer that is what you have to do. There should be no similarities between your work and that of another writer, ever.''
I don't think a lot of people are going to like me for what I had said. But I had to say it
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I rather agree with their expert opinions. At least that way, you are still in control of your own destiny. I still love my friend to death, but nobody else can give my manuscript the love that it really needs, but me.
Thank You Writersdigest Community!
Join the writersdigest community
I just joined the writersdigest community page and it is great. You get to interact with other writers, add discussions and even blog. It is great for aspiring and professional writers a like.
So, feel free to check it out or even come and join me.
Aspiring Writers: Do Not Sell Your Soul for Publication
This is a cool article and it is very helpful, not to mention inspiring.
Monday, June 21, 2010
I did some research on the Internet, but I didn't get the answers I was looking for. I just don't know if I am objective enough to pick up any writing mistakes. I can check for grammar and spelling errors, but what about the technical stuff? I read an article where the writer said that if there are any mistakes in your novel, it will get rejected immediately. If you want your work published or if you want an agent to take you seriously, your manuscript has to be polished and in pristine condition.
The last time I was there, they tweaked my prescription and my left eyes prescription was 20 x stronger then that of my right eye. So, what if they give me one of those pare of glasses that look as if they were made of old glass coke bottles? I am already a loser. I can't start looking like one. And maybe I'm going to get braises too.
Imagine what I am going to look like. Isn't it enough that I am weird? Man, Karma hates me.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
My writing is going well. And right now, feeling the way I do I can't focus enough to write. I am afraid my characters might just end up killing each other or something.
What ever is wrong with me now, I just hope it passes soon, because I am in a very important place in my book.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Today I was very busy with cleaning the house, shopping with my mom for groceries and now, we have to reorganize our bathroom cupboard. Because my mom got rid of the old one this morning and we have to put in a new one. I don't mind helping her, but then the other siblings come and order me around too. And I can't be mad at them either, because they are supporting me till I get another job.
All in all, I can't be unhappy about anything they ask me to do, but I am. Like they say: '' life's tough, deal with it''.
Thursday, June 17, 2010

My writing is coming along nicely. At the moment I am writing a lot. Everyday, I have a new idea for a new chapter. So, there is luckily not a shortage of creativity. On the contrary. I would say I have too many ideas for my single mind to process. I am still suffering from insomnia, but the happiness I feel, when I write, is well worth the lack of sleep.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
My Genetics suck! Really it does. Seeing that I am the youngest of four kids, it appears I got all the left over bad DNA. My family always tells me that I'm the weirdo in the family. Honestly, if I am always different and nothing remotely like my other siblings or other humans as they say. Why couldn't I be the one who didn't get the prematurely grey gene?
I know, I am a drama queen, but I am an aspiring writer after all. Drama is part of the job.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Why choose between Edward and Jake? Personally, I would have said, Jacob can come visit me during the day, seeing that Edward has a problem coming out when the sun shines and Edward can visit during the night, when Jacob patrols the woods. Perfect!
I am just joking. I was just being a little naughty. I am all for the moral and ethical decisions. Meaning, there can only be one. But I won't say which I am leaning towards, personally. June 30th, can't Wait!
Monday, June 14, 2010
I didn't mind that it wasn't a fancy job or anything, but at least I wouldn't have been another, unemployed, over ambitious writer. At least that's how my mom sees me. But I think it is OK to be a dreamer. Dreams keep you alive.
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Once again this book was awesome. It was written perfectly and you could actually sympathize with Bree Tanner. You didn't think of her as a bad new born vampire, who just wanted to kill Bella. You actually see her as a person and you wish,'' damn, couldn't eclipse have ended differently?''
I think it was a good book and once I started reading, I couldn't stop till I was done. If you liked all her other books, you will like this one.
I personally, love Stephenie Meyer's writing style and I think she has a way of writing characters and dialogue, that just makes you want to read her books over and over again.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I think it is all these romantic books I'm reading and movies I'm watching. Besides, my mother is pestering me to find a boyfriend. And now I am writing a book that is a little more centred around romance and I am thinking, will anyone ever think I am love able?
I sure as hell hope so. I love being single and getting married is not really a priority, but I hope to one day have at least felt something for someone.
I am not naturally a romantic person and I am not very affectionate either. Therefore, when it comes to my characters, I am just as clueless. I read Jacob by Jacquelyn Frank and she is a genius when it comes to the romantic dialogue. You can feel the suspense between the characters and I just lack that.
I want my characters to be in love and I want the reader to be able to pick up their passion and need for each other. I tried writing a love scene but it just turned out being corny. I might need to read a lot of romance novels, to get the hang of this. And I know what you are thinking. Romance novels, eww! But I will have you know, writing a good romance novel, is a rare talent. Because you have to make the readers believe your characters. Any idiot can say ''Then they made love''. But a good romance novelist will explain how the process develops and they make it sound so wonderful and intoxicating, that you yourself wish you were there, in the strong, gorgeous arms of the main male character.
I just hope that I can find a solution for my two characters. I would hate for me not to finish this story.
They might give me a lot of crap when it comes to my personal choices, but when things are bad and I feel as if I can't go on, my family pulls me through. Thank heavens for older siblings.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Maybe it is my writing that is making me restless. I didn't sleep well last night, in fact, I didn't sleep much at all. I really want to start submitting my first manuscript, but I'm not really done with it yet. I know this is going to sound weird, but I can't wait for my first rejection letter. Because if I get a rejection letter, it means I tried to follow my dream and that I didn't just give up on it.
I feel in my gut that I am suppose to be a writer and it doesn't matter to me that my writing is mediocre right now. I know that as a writer, you only get better the longer you write and the older you get. But the thing that bothers me with that theory is that I am always a late bloomer with everything. So, I don't want to be 45 years old, when I successfully publish my first book.
All the websites I go on tells me to be patient, which is a struggle for me every single day. I tell myself ''be patient'' but my body is so excited and as I have previously stated, restless. I am such a weirdo.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I didn't write at all yesterday. I had to reinstall software on my computer and do full a virus scan, which took most of my time.
I am reading ''Jacob'' by Jacquelyn Frank at the moment and it is great. She knows exactly how to entice and excite you with her vocabulary. Man, I still have a long way to go, to become nearly that good. But I am enjoying the book. Oh, but doesn't Jacob just sound absolutely gorgeous? I am glad to see that the curvy woman get represented in this book (being a curvy woman myself).
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
30 ml Sugar
15 ml oil
10 ml baking powder
150 ml milk
1 egg
pinch of salt
Add a little oil to the pan and bake. Serve with syrup. Enjoy, just don't count the calories.
Just think how scary that is. Anyway, she also said, that you shouldn't post your work because literary agents don't check aspiring writer's blogs. Therefore, if you want your work read, submit it to an agent or publisher by mail or email. Unless you want millions of people to read your work online.
Also be very wary of who you pitch or discuss your ideas too. You can never be too careful.
I have become a real housewife, not that there's anything wrong with that. My moms a housewife. I just find it to be so damn hard. Tending to the house and everyone in it, is hard work. But I promised my mom I wouldn't say a word about helping out around the house, seeing that I am jobless (hopefully not for long) and much to her dismay, still single too.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I am no expert when it comes to the love department and I, myself, found it ridiculous that I was inspired to write a love story. Considering that I am one of the least romantic people on the planet earth.
Anyway. I just wondered if the things we read about and so many write about, is perhaps true in some way. Is it really possible for two people to fall completely and utterly in love? Caring, respecting and devoting themselves to only each other? I talked to a few people on this matter and I got mixed opinions.
- Most felt that it is just our hormones that get the best of us. That we as humans, are so afraid to grow old alone that we are willing to put up with anything and anyone, just so that we wouldn't have to end up alone.
- Another opinion was that there are just certain people who get drawn to each other. That their natural chemistry is undeniable.
- Then there is my favourite, the theory that some people are just meant to be together, that they are soul mates.
Scientifically, number 1 is probably correct, number 2 as well, but personally, I find it to be a bit crude and anticlimactic. I personally find number 3 more believable. No, not everyone meets their soul mate, in fact I doubt that I ever would (me being anti-social and all that). But does it possibly exist? My mother swore to me she thought my dad was her soul mate and after he died, a part of her died too. My mother's best friend and her husband are still happily married. Not to mention at least two of my aunts who are still happily married to their husbands. They tend to be those couples that when they are together, they make you feel kind of uncomfortable, just being near them.
I believe true love exists, I just don't want to be like so many that was proven wrong and left angry, hurt and betrayed. The books make true love sound so amazing and possible, as if it is something that is just out there waiting for you. But is it really? How many times do you have to fail at it, to find it? Is it worth getting hurt? I don't know, but I am too much of a coward to find out.
But I know one thing. If you're a realist like me, it's not so much about what the opposite sex says to you, but it is what they are not saying. For example, I hate pick up lines and one that I have heard a lot was ''Your so beautiful'' or ''Your so cute''. Now here is my translation of that statement. The person is trying to make you feel good about yourself, probably sensing you are insecure. So they tell you the thing they think you want to hear most. Personally, I just get ticked off at that statement, because the person doesn't think your smart, funny or talented, now they are demeaning you by implying the only thing you have going for you, is your looks. So in reality they just insulted you.
So be careful of who you let near you or into your head, I think. And one other thing. At least the romance novels gives us a guideline of what we should look for. I know it is all make believe, but if you like a guy that respects you and you find the opposite, then why date him? Look or hold out for the one that does have what you are looking for. You decide what you allow people to do to you, you and you alone.
All I know is that this love thing is complicated and very few of us get it right. But it is out there. If only we had the patience for it. But like I said, I am too much of a coward to find out. For now, I am happy just giving my fictional characters their happy endings, instead of finding my own.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Steps to getting Published - Janet Evanovich

This is very good advice and I thought I would post it on my blog for other aspiring writers to read, who like me, might be in need of some guidance.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I understand my families lack of tolerance for my writing ambitions, because what makes my writing any different from the thousands of other people, who also wish to be writers? My answer? I personally believe that every writer is different, because it has been scientifically proven, no two people think alike, so applying that to writing, everyone writing is also different.
Just think about it. No writers perspective is going to be the same as an others, unless you stole their ideas. You might think of vampires as the bad guy, while someone else might think of them as the good guys. Yes, writing styles might be the same, but not the creativity or the perspective, from which the writer writes.
If I think about it now, it is actually quite easy to understand why there is so much competition in the writing world, because everyone wants to be a writer. Some just want the fame, others the money and there are the rest of us, who just want your work to be read. Sure, getting paid for it helps, but having the opportunity to write something, that to you is a work of art and having others read and appreciate it, just as much as you have is the goal or milestone.
The sad news is even though all of us want to be writers and all of us try, only a very few of us will succeed. So the how do we know which ones? The best that any writer can ever do is to make sure that your work is in the best condition (No spelling errors and stuff like that), but other then that you have to hope you have one hell of a query letter, a lot of luck and tons of perseverance.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
As you know I lost my dog recently and my big brother, the sadist that he is, decides to forward me this heart wrenching email about a dog at a local vet, looking for a owner.
''No one can make you feel inferior without your consent'' - Eleanor Roosevelt
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What is the point?
Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why? Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...
The IWSG Short Story Contest 2015 After the success of last year’s IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond, we decided to create ...
Hello friends. How are you today? I am so happy and grateful to be co-hosting IWSG today with my awesome co-hosts, Alexia Chamberlynn...
IWSG Question: What was your very first piece of writing as an aspiring writer? Where is it now? Collecting dust or has it been publishe...