Friday, January 27, 2012


I recently received this award from the awesome K.D. Storm, over at Thank you so much for this award!

Because I have already received this award twice before, I will simply post it on my blog and which ever bloggers who do not have it yet and who have less than 200 followers, are welcome to claim it. I know that there are a lot of you who have not yet received your first blog award, well this one is for you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


My latest distraction, Diesel

I am not really sure why, but I feel like a stranger on my own blog. It feels like I have not blogged in ages. Anyway, my new puppy, Diesel, has been keeping me very busy and of course I still work as a freelance writer. He truly is a darling dog, but the whole puppy thing is new to me, because the last time I had a puppy, I was 5 years old. My siblings raised their dogs on their own, so it is all a really new experience for me.

One things about Diesel though, is that he does not like to sleep, so he ends up waking me at 4 and 5 in the morning. I am trying to potty train him now, which I might add, is a very disgusting job, because he still pee's everywhere, yuck! I must admit though, he is the best distraction, ever.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Until very recently I was very finicky about time. I never wanted things to take extra long, which I guess you could just call impatience. More specifically, I thought that I had to get published as soon as possible, because time was marching on and I didn't wait so long to get published.

Well, I recently learned the lesson of patience and now realize the if it was meant to be for me, then things will happen, but in their own time. All I can do is keep on writing and keep on querying. So what if it takes me ten years to get published? I got along fine before I wanted to get published and I will still get along just fine, even if I do not get published.

I am a very lucky woman in the sense that my job requires me to write Internet articles on a regular basis. So, I still get to write and I am still very much part of the writing world. As long as I am writing at all, I am happy. To get published would just be an extra bonus, but if is no longer the end of the world for me.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I have tried to think of all the things that you must have or do when you are a writer. Of course talent is at the top of my list, but in truth, either you are a writer or you're not. A writer is someone who actually writes and no writing book in the world can make you a writer. They can give you tips or even suggest a few exercises, but in the end of the day you are the one that has to go sit on your butt and get things done.

What I think is the thing that writers need the most in their lives, or their careers, is basically people that support your craft and who believe in you. If someone does not increase the quality of your life, or is so negative that they deter you from what it is that you love to do, then unfortunately, it is time to cut them loose. It is cruel, but why hang out with people that make you feel bad about yourself or your craft?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


It is finally here people. The New Year has finally arrived and even though you get an opportunity to start the year all over again, it is not like last year’s insecurities will just up and leave. I know that for a fact, but, I have decided to keep my enthusiasm and I know for a fact that there is no situation or experience that cannot be overcome with writing. It does not matter if you are a writer or not. Write about how a certain bad experience made you feel and use that as inspiration for another piece of work. No experience is ever wasted.

I am fully determined to take my writing more seriously this year. I am confident enough to call myself a writer, finally. It is a New Year people, a year that will hopefully be filled with a lot less insecurity, at least here’s hoping.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderful and talented author and blogger, Alex J. Cavanaugh. You guys can visit Alex over at


I am alive and well. Life keeps going on.  I've started re-formatting the e-book of the Executioner (my 2nd fantasy book in my Thelum se...