Wednesday, January 4, 2012


It is finally here people. The New Year has finally arrived and even though you get an opportunity to start the year all over again, it is not like last year’s insecurities will just up and leave. I know that for a fact, but, I have decided to keep my enthusiasm and I know for a fact that there is no situation or experience that cannot be overcome with writing. It does not matter if you are a writer or not. Write about how a certain bad experience made you feel and use that as inspiration for another piece of work. No experience is ever wasted.

I am fully determined to take my writing more seriously this year. I am confident enough to call myself a writer, finally. It is a New Year people, a year that will hopefully be filled with a lot less insecurity, at least here’s hoping.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderful and talented author and blogger, Alex J. Cavanaugh. You guys can visit Alex over at


  1. I'm here from the bloghop and I like your positive outlook for the New Year! Hope you reach your goals! Julie

  2. Julie - Thank you so much. It is nice to have you here, welcome.

  3. Yay! Happy New Year!

    I'm hoping for some big changes on the writing front too this year. Good luck with all your writing goals.

  4. I have always loved your positive, generous attitude. Hoping goodness comes your way this year!

  5. A writer's life is a roller coaster full of the ups and owns of insecurity. Write on, my friend!

  6. I think that's a fabulous attitude to start off the new year... write on!!

  7. I agree with you about writing being a great way to cope with anything in life. I have being using as such tool for most of my life. I am sure that it will all come together for you. Good luck on the upcoming year and I hope you have a wonderful day!

  8. Tonja - Thank you.

    M.J. - Thank you and Happy New Year to you too!

    Tasha - Thank you so much and I hope your year will be great too.

    Nancy - Thank you! Your words are so very true. Sometimes it is just so tiring, but so worth it all.

    Mish - Awesome, thank you.

    K.D. - Thank you so much. I hope you have a fantastic year as well. Thank you for stopping by.

  9. Writing is often the perfect medicine for what's ailing me. I feel refreshed even when exhausted after writing or editing or researching something. Great post!

  10. Be nice if they left, wouldn't it? At least we have a great community of bloggers here to support us.

  11. Insecurity is the tuition we must all pay to learn to be fully human ... and not to be bored! LOL.

    Glad to have found your blog. Come visit mine if you have the time. I have a two part Insecure Writer Post. The first is WE GUESS WITH OUR FEARS about form rejections and writing that dreaded query letter! Ouch. I followed over from Alex's blog, Roland

  12. Stephen - Thank you. I agree, writing has helped me through many tough situations as well. Thank you so much for stopping by.

    Alex - Very true. It really helps to have other great people giving words of encouragement. Thank you.

    Roland - Thank you so much for stopping by and I will definitely repay the favour.

  13. Visiting late from the blog hop! You're very right. This year is a new year with new opportunities and new possibilities. Hopefully we can all write our insecurities away and tackle those resolutions - or at least get a lot of writing done!

  14. Hi Donelle, I absolutely agree with you. Hopefully we can all do a lot of writing.


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