Thursday, July 8, 2010


There is just one downside of being part of an online world or forum. Spammers/Hackers. I don't know what it is about me or my profile picture, But for some reason I receive emails from all kinds of people claiming they are writers digest community members, which I know they are not.

Reason being: Spammers always send you messages that say ''Please reply to this email'' and another reason is that I check out their profile pages and it usually has minimal information about them. Almost every single day I have a message like that and it usually starts with '' Hi, I saw your profile on the writers digest community forum...'' blah...blah...blah, you get the picture. So, be aware of those kinds of people. Important: Never reply to any of those messages or emails, ever.

People like that just really get on my nerves. As if life as an aspiring writer isn't tough enough, you still have to worry about people trying to scam you all the time.

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