Friday, April 19, 2013


I have been raised to be a very understanding person and asking too many questions was thought of as a bad thing. Well, unfortunately, I am a very curious person, to a point actually, but I question things. I never accept simply what I am told. If someone tells me that something has to be done a certain way and it makes no sense to me at all, I will ask why it is like that. I think many of us have been led to believe that it is impolite and disrespectful to ask questions. But question things when you want and need to. Do not just accept something to be a certain way when you know it is wrong. Be inquisitive; ask questions, even of life. But never simply just accept things. It is just a waste of life.


  1. Yes, as a child I was always told to 'hush,' especially when visitors were around.

  2. We're supposed to learn and explore, right? I've always taken the attitude I should answer anything my kids ask to the best of my ability, or direct them as to where they can find a good answer.

  3. It is good to question. I don't think it is rude at all.

  4. myriteofpassage - Me as well. Luckily we no longer have to hush.

    Crystal - I think that it is a great attitude to have. It is great that you are willing to answer some of their questions. Thank you so much for stopping by.

    Jai - Thank you, I think it is important too.

  5. It is good to ask questions. An enquiring mind is a mind that learns new things.

  6. Michelle - Exactly. One can never have too much knowledge.


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What is the point?

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