Wednesday, April 17, 2013


We all have had and will always have obstacles in or lives. I wish that at some point they all just go away, but no, they are there and very real. Though, we can choose how we overcome them. There have been times when I just gave up and let life take its course and then there were other times where I had to fight really hard for what I wanted. None of us can avoid it, but obstacles will always be there, waiting to be overcome. We cannot let it get us down, we have to keep moving and just doing the best that we can do. 


  1. An obstacle can be an excuse for giving up or just something to overcome. Luckily, we get to choose.

  2. I try to think of obstacles as mountains to climb and not brick walls.

  3. How totally true this is! I just experienced one yesterday! Go Daddy charged my card that I wasn't budgeted for...something I forgot about and that was an obstacle! But it is perfectly fine, and I remain on course! Ha Ha

  4. In writing what would we do without the obstacles. In life, I could do without them. ;)

  5. LD Masterson - Very true! I never thought about it that way. Thanks for the lesson.

    Teresa - I think a mountain is a lot more reasonable for me. A brick wall is definitely depressing. Thank you for stopping by.

    Sandy - I am happy that you could overcome your obstacle. It is always hard to do, but you feel better when it is over, or at least that how it is in my case. Thank you for the visit.

    Jai - I agree! Man, do I wish that my life could be a bit boring for once. Writing wise, bring on the obstacles.

  6. As much as obstacles are annoying I guess it wouldn't be life without them! Really like your blog here. I"m visiting from the Challenge. I'll be back again soon!

  7. My least favorite obstacles are the ones I create myself. Or maybe their my favorite. I can't decide. Great post.

    Jaime at Awakenings and Reflections

  8. Although they can make us stronger, obstacles will always be a drag in real life. In fiction, however, they are a must. ;)

  9. Karen Jones Gowen - Thank you so much. It was nice meeting you and I look forward to you stopping by in the future.

    Jaime - Thank you. I tend to be my worst enemy as well. Thank you for the visit.

    Heidi - I completely agree. I sometimes wish that all the obstacles could be in my stories and that my life would be obstacle free, unfortunately it does not work like that. Thank you for stopping by.


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