Saturday, April 13, 2013


We all have a different way of how we approach life and how we enjoy it, but I think many of us forget to be thankful for it. I know for a while I used to feel like I was here and that it was no great feat or blessing to be here, but having lived a while now and putting my teenage years behind me, I have found an appreciation for it. I am thankful to be part of this life now, because things could have been so much worse for me, especially knowing that there are so many who are sick and dying who wish that they can have just a day or even a few hours more to live.

Sometimes I feel like I could give them a few hours, days, weeks and even years of my life and health, just so that they can live a little longer, do the things they still wanted to do or achieve, or spend it with their loved ones. I always end up feeling guilty because I do not always embrace life to the fullest and thus do not experience all the wonders that it has to give.

Even though it does not always seem like it, life is a gift, no matter how brief or lonely it can be. 


  1. Absolutely life is a gift. I know I forget to be thankful for it, so every now and then, I remind myself to do just that.

  2. M.J - At least we remind ourselves to appreciate it and don't just take it for granted.

  3. We all only have one life to live, so we need to make the most of that life. We only travel this way once. It's what we give back that we are remembered most for in the end. Very nice post.

  4. Kathy - Thank you and your words are really true. Thank you for stopping by.

  5. Beautiful post. This is easy to forget from day to day and we could all do with a reminder to appreciate it.

  6. Ah, yes, we can count our blessings, or wallow in our sorrows. The thing is, we are each given a chance every day. We can't give away our health or our attitude. We can share the gifts, though. And, you are doing just that!

    Play off the Page

  7. Nick - I know I definitely need a constant reminder. Thank you for stopping by.

    DL Hammons - Thank you for stopping by, it is really appreciated.

    Mary - Thank you for the kind words. I simply wish that sometimes I could do more.

  8. What a lovely post. We all do the best we can in the moment we are doing it. :)

  9. So many of us take our daily lives for granted. I've been on a quest lately to find the positives, no matter how small, so I can rise above the darkness. It's so easy to just give up and let it overwhelm us. In fact, I'm trying to share this with everyone for my A to Z challenge (Positive Thinking through Post-It Notes!)

    Jamie Dement (LadyJai)

  10. A beautiful post, Murees!
    Well expressed and so true! Thanks for the reminder!

    Writer In Transit

  11. Lisa - Thank you and your words are so true. Thank you so much for stopping by and following my blog.

    Jamie - I think that is such a wonderful quest. Many of us can do with a bit more positive thinking, I know I am definitely one of them.

    Michelle - Thank you and you are so welcome.


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