Thursday, April 21, 2011


This is my reading list of authors whom I will be using for my first chapter research project. For those who did not read my F post, I am planning to read as many first chapters by bestselling authors to see if I can come up with some magic formula to help myself write the best first chapter that I can.

So basically, I have taken all the books from either my own or my sisters bookcases. I am starting off with these and I will include more as time goes on. I don’t think I can make a proper study in just a few days. It might take some time. Sorry if anyone is disappointed. The authors are also from different genres because I like diversity, even though I write romance.

Johanna Lindsay – Historical Romance

Madeline Baker – Historical Romance

Christine Feehan – Paranormal Romance

Gena Showalter – Paranormal Romance

Linsay Sands – Historical and Paranormal Romance

Jacquelyn Frank – Paranormal Romance

Janet Evanovich – Mystery

John Grisham – Legal Thriller

Peter James – Crime Fiction

Steven King – Horror

J.K. Rowling – Children’s Literature

Stephenie Meyer – Young Adult

J.R.R. Tolkien - Fantasy

So that is it for now. I will probably be adding more as I go along, but I have a ton of books at my disposal so I should learn something from this. I will be sharing whatever I learn, but it may take a while. Sorry.


  1. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

    good luck,
    Moody Writing

  2. Oh goodness, there is no magic formula.

  3. I'm not sure there is a magic formula but I wish you all the best in your quest to find one!

    Most of your choices I actually haven't heard of so I'll have to check them out.

  4. Hi,
    I'm stopping by on the A-Z Challenge. As others have said, there's no magic formula. On the other hand, you can learn a lot by studying published authors.

  5. An ambitious worthy project. Good luck.

  6. This sounds like a great idea. Hope you find the magic formula!

  7. Mooderino - Thank you for the words of encouragement.

    Siv - I certainly think so.

    Sarah - I am just really hoping there is something I can learn on writing a better first chapter.

    M.J. - Thank you.

    Bob - Welcome! I am really hoping there are a few things I can learn to improve. Who better to learn from than the best, right? Thank you so much for following my blog.

    Manzanita - Thank you.

    kmckendry - Thank you. I hope I find something that I can share on my blog and that I actually learn something about how to write better first chapters. Thank you for coming by.


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