Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I'm afraid (IWSG

The past few IWSG posts I tried to post only positive messages and encouraging words. Today is the opposite, because I have to admit I am scared. By what? Pretty much everything. I'm afraid  of people, sharing or discussing my writing and asking for help. I'm afraid that no one (aside for myself) will ever like my writing.

Since becoming a blogger I have met so many great people and I want to thank you guys for always being ready to help me and offer advice. You help me to fight my fears everyday.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderfully talented Mr. Alex J Cavanaugh, so that writers can share the insecurities they have and/or encourage others who need support with their insecurities. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.


  1. Hi Murees - that's good that you too are finding the benefit of blogging - it's always about practise, practise, practise .. you will get there .. keep on writing .. cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you for your encouragement. Blogging is fantastic.

  2. We can't be confident and sure of ourselves all the time. Even when I write positive, encouraging posts there are insecurities lurking. Keep on keeping on.

    1. Thank you. Insecurities can really ruin a girls day.

  3. I think that fear is one of the hardest things about being a writer. But it only limits us. Keep working and if you enjoy writing it, there's someone else out there that will love reading it!

    1. Thank you for your kind words. It's really helped.

  4. Fear is normal. It really is. If we're lucky, it keeps us from doing stupid, reckless things. But sometimes you have to say, "Okay, Fear Fairy, thanks for being on the job. But I got this one." Then go do your thing. You'll be fine.

    1. Thank you LD. That is great advise. I should stop letting the fear fairy work so hard. Your are absolutely right. Thank you, again.

  5. Thank you Karen. I should really trust myself more.

  6. These are the insecurities that I often struggle with too - but I often find that after writing on my blog, I feel a lot better about everything. A problem shared, is a problem halved :). And don't forget, we're always here if you ever need anyone to talk to :)

    1. Thank you so much! You are so kind and awesome. I agree, blogging does make me feel better too.

  7. We're all nervous about it. Do you have critique partners yet? Find another blogger or two whom you really trust and share your work. You'll find it's really not that bad.

    1. Thank you Alex. Its nice to know I'm not the only one with that fear. I have three critique partners at the moment and I am fearing their feedback. But I know it will help me in the long run.

  8. I struggle with knowing what to say, when I blog. I do not really consider myself a blogger, but the advice is that authors should blog for your readers. When I do a good post it does make me feel better and when I receive positive reactions that also makes me feel better. So, Happy Blogging

    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words. I like blogging,but I always struggle with keeping things interesting and knowing what to say too. Positive reactions always make my day.

  9. You can do it, Murees!
    I KNOW you can. Take it a step at a time...

  10. I can relate to these fears, Murees. Blogging has changed me so much though that it's easier for me to share now. But I still get terrified every time I do it! Hang in there and know that people in this great community will be cheering you on. :)

    1. Thank you Julie. Blogging has really helped me too. This community is really wonderful.

  11. I think fear is the only thing that holds any of us back. Any time I'm procrastinating writing or staring at a blank page, I tell myself, "It's just fear. Start typing." Once I silence those voices, I find I can write. I just wrote 500 words of web content for a site with VERY little information on their business. I stared at the screen for probably 20 minutes, saying, "I can't do this. They're going to think I suck." Then I started typing and, guess what? I sent the file 45 minutes later. You just have to push past that fear and write. In time, you gain confidence and those voices get quieter!

    1. Thank you for the inspiring words Stephanie. You are right, I just have to face my fears and write. Even if it is hard and it scares me to my core. It needs to be done. I hope I will earn more confidence over time. Thank you again. You are awesome.


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