Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Just roll with it

The past few days I got some feedback on my manuscript from my sister (target audience) and like suspected, she had a lot of great feedback. Mostly that my love scenes were awkward and the wording used inappropriate and that I still have a tendency to info dump. Not to mention too much happening in too short amount of time. But other than that, she liked the story. Still, I was a bit bummed.

Then I approached a few editors for quotes and mostly I found out that my expectations of what editing costs and reality is out of proportion. The amount I have saved is not near enough and that I will have to keep saving for at least another year, (so goodbye September/ October 2015 deadline). So of course I felt a little bummed again.

This morning I spent some time in the cemetery with my mom and cousin, putting flowers on our relatives graves and the gesture lifted my spirits. The things I felt bummed about didn't seem quite so important and depressing anymore, especially after I saw how many unmarked graves there were, even that of children.

I still have to hear back from two other critique partners too, but I don't fear their feedback anymore. I will wait for all the feedback before making any changes.  I am also thinking of reworking my self-publishing deadline so that it suits me and so that I don't get unnecessarily stressed. I have learned that there is always a solutions, it might not be the one I always want, but there is always a solution none the less.

How did your day turn out? Anything happen that you didn't plan?


  1. It's normal to feel a bit deflated when you get feedback, but it's good you can put it into context. It's great your sister likes the story :-)

    1. Thank you. Right now I am relieved that i got some feedback.

  2. My day has been quite pleasant, though I had to turn on the AC. I am an editor. In another life, I was a newspaper reporter and editor. In my current life, I edit for indie authors. I've edited ten books and a doctoral dissertation. If you would like to consider using my services, you can email me at I call myself the slut editor: cheap and fast.


    1. Thank you so much for letting me know about your services. I will definitely email you. Also, thank you for stopping by.

  3. Hi Murees,
    Try to feel encouraged about the positive things your sister said. Once you start editing the parts she thought needed improvement, things will be easier than you think. Just tackle one thing at a time.Wishing you the best, as always.

    1. Thank you so much. I hope all is great with you.

  4. I agree with Deanie! The positives are important and I always think if people give good and bad points it means they care -- making somebody care about a story is the end game; making them feel that this is important is a big step in writing. So! Some things to work on, sure, but who doesn't have those?


  5. Smart move. Biggest mistake you could make is to rush publishing before you're ready, just because you made an arbitrary deadline months ago. Story first, everything else second.

  6. Hi Murees - it's good you've got your work out there, and are looking for all advice and thoughts .. I'm pleased for you ..

    Going to relatives' graves and the cemetery makes us think doesn't it ... we're lucky in so many ways .. cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you Hilary. Going to the cemetery really did put things in perspective for me. I am really lucky to be alive and loved.

  7. Well I do appreciate honest feedback. I get nervous when a beta-reader says..."I liked it..." and nothing else. It may be hard to hear, but it will ultimately be useful. :) Its good you're brave enough to do that.
    Edge of Your Seat Stories

    1. Thank you. I feel a little relieved to finally get some feedback and the feedback is so useful.

  8. Congratulations on putting yourself out there in the first place! It can be hard to hear criticism, but ultimately it'll help your manuscript be the best it can possibly be :). It's great that she had positive feedback - and now at least you know the direction your story should be taking. You should definitely consider reworking your deadlines so you're not pressuring yourself - that's the beauty of self-publishing - you can do it in your own time! I'm currently thinking of doing the same myself - I've written in my diary that my MS will be ready to publish by the end of October...there is literally on way on earth that's going to happen! I'm currently trying to force my way through my rewrites, and it isn't going terribly well, to say the least!
    Rachel :)

    1. Thank you for the encouraging words. They were so welcome. I'm sorry your rewrites aren't going well. I am sure once you get your rhythm things will work out. I am fearing the rewrites I now need to make as well. But I am confident you will do a great job.

  9. That's great that your sister likes your work, Murees!
    I would rather have honest feedback that may be a little painful, than somebody lying to me and telling me that everything is good...I need to learn and improve and grow as a writer...but it IS scary...don't worry, you're not alone, we all have our moments...
    Step-by-step, you'll get there. Don't rush.

    1. Thank you for the kind words and you are so right. Honesty is the best.

  10. Is it weird having your sister read your love scenes? I'd be freaked out by that!

    1. I was freaking out. But she reads romance and she would know if my paranormal romance is any good. And her feedback was helpful.

    2. Lol yeah! Freaks me out to no end, knowing that my MOTHER will read my Adult Urban Fantasy one day. :-P

      Murees, if you need help with structural/content edits, I'm VERY good at them (and they're SERIOUSLY expensive to pay for). Maybe we can buddy up? I'm forever seeking extra CPs because I write so widely.

    3. I would love to buddy up with you Misha! That is so awesome, Thank you. I will email you and we can sort out the details.

  11. I'm glad your trip to the cemetery lifted your spirits. And there's no question any visit to a cemetery can give us perspective. Still, I'm sorry you had to push back your deadline. But it's definitely smart to wait until you are ready and not try to rush things. Take care, Murees.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Julie. You are right, i should publish when I'm ready not because of a deadline.

  12. So glad that something uplifted your spirits. Yes, polish when you are ready...but keeping in mind the deadline so not to miss that too.

  13. It is kind of depressing when you work so hard on something and learn that there are plot holes and other problems. But be grateful for the good advice. It'll make you a better writer and help you polish your manuscript.

    1. Thank you Sherry. You are right, it will make my writing better. I now know how valuable feedback really is.

  14. Good for you being able to go with the changes. I remember when I was working up to release #1 how many details and little things there were to worry about. More time is always a good thing. Editors definitely aren't cheap, and I think that's why most people go with publishing houses (even small ones), but I'm finding some small pub editors aren't all that amazing. You get what you pay for, eh?

    1. Very true. I think having more time is a great thing too There is just so much to do... Thank you for the visit and congratulations on your new release!

  15. It's kind of a catch-22 sometimes. Being told what doesn't work is always a downer but if a beta reader/crit partner said everything's perfect I'd figure I need a new reader/partner. Stay with it. You'll get where you want to be.

    1. Thank you. I will definitely keep at it. I know it will make me a better writer in the end.


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I am alive and well. Life keeps going on.  I've started re-formatting the e-book of the Executioner (my 2nd fantasy book in my Thelum se...