Monday, October 20, 2014

I'm just boring

Unlike most bloggers I don't have a writing or blogging schedule and my blog doesn't have a specific theme.I just write about whatever I am experiencing at that moment or whatever pops into my head, which is of course a big no no.

I wanted to enter the bucket list blog hop, but I couldn't think of one thing I wanted to do before I died. I am in a good place right now and at peace with what I have accomplished thus far in my life. Being published before I die is no longer an obsession and if I die, I die. I'm ready. Depressing words, I know.

I finally finished that large order of work I had, though my brother says there is more work on the way. He's leaving on a business trip for a few days, so I get to rest before more work arrives. I must say, having my brother for a boss is actually a lot better than I thought it would be. He is really professional and as long as his work gets done on time, he pretty much leaves me alone. No yelling or constant arguments like my previous job. I can proudly say he's the best boss I ever had.

Heard back from another critique partner, Katie Cross and her feedback was amazing. She pointed out exactly what I need to fix and she did it without being mean. I have a lot of work to do in fixing my manuscript and I am so thankful for her feedback. It is invaluable. Thank you Katie.

So that's it from me, boring I know. Are you doing anything exciting right now?


  1. You're not boring at all! And I usually write about what I'm experiencing or what I'm thinking about; I originally started the blog so that I could write about work and writing, but it ended up being about more than that. You can write whatever you want.
    And it's good that you're showing your work to other people; it helps to get a fresh perspective on it. Unfortunately I haven't had much time to do fiction writing lately; I've had to do academic writing instead (sigh).

    1. Thank you. Your words are inspiring. Don't worry, you'll get back to your fiction when you have a little more time. I don't blame you for not having time though, you are crazy busy. Have a great week.

  2. Because I don't really blog about personal stuff, I'm under the impression that I AM quite you're not alone! LOL
    I love the new blog header!
    And that's good news about the feedback from your CP!

    1. Thank you. I thought I needed to spice things up. I don't think you or your blog are boring though. You always have new information about exciting events on your blog.

      I finally understand what is wrong with my manuscript and where my writing needs to be stronger or improved, which is a huge relief and also exciting.

  3. I'm very glad you're working with your brother and dong well, Murees. It's great for your self esteem. Also pleased to hear that you are getting helpful feedback on your work. Great news indeed.

    1. Thank you. You are always so supportive and I appreciate it.

  4. Yes, I'm doing something exciting: reading your blog. You are not boring. I think it's lovely that you feel you can die in peace. I feel the same way. I have no fear of death.


  5. Hello Murees. You sound a bit like me, but I don't consider myself, or you, boring. We don't all have to be extroverts, strutting our accomplishments to the world. Getting feedback from critique partners can be daunting as I said on my blog. I'm beginning to see those who are helpful and those who are destructive. A pity the second type exist as some writers said that a poison critique stopped them writing altogether.

    I'm wishing you all the best! If/when I get published I'll tell you how it happened, but as you saw on my blog, it's been a long, hard road thus far and it's not over yet!

    I've followed you!

    And you're more than welcome to take part in the Write...Edit...Publish monthly bloghop. Have some lovely positive people there.


    1. Thank you Denise! Also, thank you for the follow. You are amazing! I don't think you or your blog are boring. You always have great topics on your blog. I will definitely check out Write...Edit...Publish. Thank you again...your words cheered me up.

  6. Who's to say what should and shouldn't be shared on a blog. Everyone has a different opinion. Keep doing what you are doing and if that means you've found a little peace in this life, then all the better.

    1. Thank you Lynda. I love what you said. It definitely cheered me up.

  7. Hi Murees - you're not boring ... you're living life and finding out what's out there. Sometimes we need to mull, so we can see new directions with new horizons. It sounds like your brother is setting you some examples and that's good news.

    My blog is very eclectic and I'm certainly not posting regularly ... so no worries ... you could write a little about South Africa, or where you are ... snippets of life, history, animals, plants ... just different takes ...

    Peace is very important and if you're relaxed now - that's great ... enjoy these moments .. cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you Hilary. Maybe I should write a bit more about South Africa. You are always very kind.

  8. I think we all find ourselves boring. I know I bore myself to tears. :)

    1. You are anything but boring. Thanks for cheering me up.

  9. Boring, pshaw! Whatever. I have to say, if you're feeling accomplished enough that you're totally at peace with life, then the way you live must be far from boring. That's why my bucket list is so short. I've done or am doing almost everything I've always wanted to accomplish. Here's to us!

    1. To us! Thank you for your kind and comforting words.

  10. And now you know why my blogs are usually a collection of funnies. Yes, I like making people laugh but I also don't think blogging about my life would be all that interesting.

    1. I don't know. I think you might be surprised how interesting your life might be to others. You do however provide the best funnies and aw moments.

  11. My blog is a mishmash, as well. I don't think we're boring--just happy! I always have a hard time with this bucket list thing, too, because I'm just happy in where I am and what I've done. Maybe that's a good thing. Most people's bucket lists are about jumping out of planes or visiting overseas places...not mine. I think a lot of it is just to make sure you experience all the things you want to experience before you die, but adventure and travel isn't as important to me as just being happy!

    1. So true. Finding true happiness is what it is about with me too and at this moment in my life I have everything I could ask for. I am very blessed.


Feel free to leave comments. I love comments. But no spam, or hate speech. Your comments will be deleted, and I'd wish you a painful death, and your soul to turn to nothingness.


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