Sunday, September 21, 2014

Oh snap, final editing is done

I feel kind of nervous and terrified at the same time. I have finished my self-editing and have sent my novel off to my beta-readers and I am shaking as I am typing this post. I was confident while editing, but this stage not so much. My courage is hiding in my shoes. What if they hate it?

Anyway, I still haven't saved enough for professional editing services yet and will probably only send it off for editing next year only. I have stupidly given myself the publishing date of September or October of 2015. But I have no problem postponing it even further if I have to. The reason I chose September or October of next year was because I wanted to publish my first book before I was thirty. But it might not be a good enough reason. If everything goes according to plan, which it never does, I will probably make it. But I am not stressing about it right now.

At least I will have my brother's data to keep me busy for the rest of this month and next month. We have a mammoth task in front of us, but I know we can do it. To give you an idea, I have over 10 000 pages of scientific data to enter into a specific document and format, but I feel happy about the fact that I will be making my brother's job easier, as he doesn't have all that time to enter data.

Anyway, enough about me. How are you doing? What is going on in your life?


  1. Oh yeah, I always used to get shivers before sending my work off to CPs, but the nice thing is, if they sent their work to you, odds are they feel the same.

    Unless they're like me now. I'm so used to the process, I actually look forward to seeing reader reaction because it helps me write better. :-P

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you Misha. I agree, feedback will make me a better writer. But i am still scared senseless. It's great that you no loner fear that step.

  2. You'e going to be fine Murees. You editing partners will help you find things that they think might be improved. Then you decide whether or not you agree. It's a big step and you were brave to progress to that point. You've already achieved a great deal so try to give yourself some credit and have faith in your abilities. I do.

    1. Thank you Deanie. You are always so kind and supportive. I appreciate it a lot.

  3. What a milestone. I don't really know all the steps because I'm not a writer but achieving any one of them seems like a winner to me. A big high-five girl.

    1. Thank you. It really feels good to have come this far.

  4. Thank you! Congratulations to you as well. You are making fantastic progress. I know you will do great.

  5. Remember, whatever your CPs would say, they say in order to help you-- dive into the cold water headfirst :) All the best with your book!

    1. Thank you. That is fantastic advice and you are right. It is going to help me and my writing.

  6. Hi Murees ... good luck and am so pleased you're working through the details - congratulations - cheers Hilary

  7. Congrats Murees!
    A step at a time... you'll get there!
    (I love your little stick man...) *smiles*

    1. Thank you. I don't mind taking things slow and easy for now. I drew him in Microsoft paint.

  8. There's nothing as unsettling as sending your baby out into the world.

    1. Ooh, i agree. It is nerve wrecking. Thank you for popping over.

  9. Congratulations. This is wonderful news. I knew you could get here. Cheers.

    1. Thank you. I am relieved, but still fearful. It is good to have come this far.

  10. Congratulations, Murees! I've no doubt your beta readers are enjoying your book. Yay!

    1. Thank you so much for this great confidence boost and for your kind words.

  11. Congrats on finishing! And good luck with the beta readers. I'm sure they will love it.

    1. Thank you. Your words are kind and gave my confidence a boost.


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