Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Messenger (IWSG)

If you feel insecure or down on your luck today, I hope the message of this song will cheer you up. The lyrics are beautiful and it is one of my favorite songs of all time. 

The Messenger by Linkin Park

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderfully talented Mr. Alex J Cavanaugh, so that writers can share the insecurities they have and/or encourage others who need support with their insecurities. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.


  1. Hello Murees. Glad to meet a fellow romance writer. How many stories are you currently writing?

    1. I am currently working on only one which I hope to self-publish next year. It is really nice to meet a fellow romance writer. These days there are so few of us.

  2. I am a Linkin Park fan. Loved the song. Thanks for sharing.
    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

    1. You are welcome. Linkin Park always makes my day better.

  3. Lovely message. Thanks for the post! :)

  4. Ooh, I like Linkin Park too. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great songs have a way of perking up the spirit.

  6. Great post :)! Thanks for sharing the song!

  7. Great song, thanks for sharing it - I haven't heard that one before.

  8. They are great. Thanks for sharing Murees

  9. Replies
    1. To me it was very fitting to IWSG. Glad you liked it.

  10. ' I tend to fit in better in my imaginary worlds than the real one.' Me, too. And I think at my age I'm mature enough to know the reason--- the real world sucks. Imaginary worlds are so much better. Or worse, as in the world of the Hunger Games.

    1. Very true. I make sure my imaginary worlds are better than the real one and that the people are more accepting and tolerant. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting.

  11. Beautiful, very inspiring song! I thought I commentedon this before, so I didn't want to leave a duplicate comment in case it was awaiting approval, but I listened to the song last week and tried to post a comment! Appears it vanished into a black hole.

    1. I definitely find it inspiring. Comments ending up in a black hole happens to me a lot these days. I thought that maybe my browser was to blame, but if you are having problems too...It is always nice to hear from you.

  12. Thanks for the inspiring song! I like LP, but hadn't heard that one, somehow.


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