Thursday, August 14, 2014

I blame the aliens

My head feels a little funny and I kind of feel like I have been floating for most of this week. I have to take medication for the inflammation in my neck muscles and the medication is kicking my butt. It is really strong and I just end up sleeping or staring at everyone as if they are speaking in tongues. According to the doctor I must recently have received trauma to my neck to have hurt those specific muscles, but I can't think of anyway that could have happened, so I am just going with the theory that I was abducted by aliens and they had forgotten to put me down gently when they brought me back.

I am still on a resting period between edits, which works out perfectly for me, because I would have been so angry with myself for wasting good editing time. On the downside. I had to use some of my hard earned editing money to pay for my doctor's visit and medication. Damn aliens. Back to saving every penny.


  1. Oh no, I hope you feel better soon, and I hope the aliens are more careful with you next time :-)

    1. Ahaha! Thank you. I am sure all the sleep will help.

  2. Ouch. Rest up. I'm so sorry you're feeling not so well. :-(

    1. Thank you. I love sleeping so much. Wishing you all the best too.

  3. Hi Murees - hope the neck pain heals quickly for you .. and the meds ease that pain. Take care - and edit when you can .. cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you Hilary. The neck is so much better now.

  4. Abducted by aliens? I think I sense a short story here. . . ;)

  5. That is literally a pain in the neck! Hope you're back up to full strength soon.


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