Monday, August 18, 2014

I can think again

My neck pain is gone, like magic, but most importantly I am back to feeling like I can think. Before the medication made me feel sleepy and for lack of a better word, drugged. I got some of the best sleep ever, but my mind was so foggy. I walked around feeling like what I can only assume zombies feel like, aside for eating everyone of course. Thank you so much for all your well wishes.

I read a post by Stephanie Faris the other day Body Problems You Never Knew You Had and this post really struck a nerve with me, because as a woman I don't look like the women in magazines and find it hard to love my curvy body when most people advocate for the skinnier form. To my surprise there were so many people advocating for the curvy form, which cheered me up. Even better, Alex J. Cavanaugh gave a wonderful response to that post on his Blog today, which made me feel even better about the whole body issue thing. Thank you Alex.

What are you up to today?


  1. Yay for no more neck pain! I've had whiplash a couple of times; I know how great it feels when the pain is gone.

    1. I am happy the pain is gone and I can have my brain back. Whiplash? Ouch! And you had it a few times? Wow.

  2. Glad you're feeling better. I read Alex's comments. He's right. It's about being a nice person, and being fun to be with.

    1. Thank you. It was just nice to hear a guy actually say something like that. Most of the men I have met want models for girlfriends.

  3. Sorry you couldn't access my blog, but I know you are busy. So don't worry if you can't always get to me. Your husband sounds like a wonderful man. Nice to meet a fellow curvy woman. Yeah, I struggle a lot with it, but as I get older I am accepting myself more and more. Thank you for stopping by.

  4. It always makes me smile to see that something I posted made people think! A few months ago, a former model I'm friends with on Facebook had posted that if she didn't get her thigh gap back before her wedding, her fiance might not marry her. I doubt very seriously that's true (at least I HOPE not!) but I thought that was one of the saddest status updates I've seen. It summed up women's insecurities and how, even with a wedding coming up, a beautiful young woman couldn't think of anything more than how she looks. How many great experiences do we miss in life in pursuit of some silly ideal that doesn't even really matter?

    1. It was a really good post and well written. There are many women that worry about body issues and it was nice to meet other people who encourage you to love yourself just as you are. I hope that your friend's fiance doesn't really feel like that. That would be so sad. Your words are so true. I have missed so much because I was afraid of what others might think of how I looked or that they would see how imperfect I was. Thank you for tackling this issue.

  5. It's great to hear your pain is gone and you can think again. I'm not a fan of zombie mode either. Hmmm, brains...

    1. Zombie mode had me really worried, but I am so glad the pain is gone. Thank you.

  6. Hi Murees - glad the pain seems to have decided to take its course away from you ... and now I must read Alex' post and find out about these curvy women, as I belong to them! Cheers and good luck with moving along now - Hilary

    1. Thank you Hilary. I hope you like his answer as much as I did.

  7. Neck pain is awful. Glad you are better.

    The media is hurting us with the emphasis on thin. We all need to be concerned with weight and health but not to the extremes that some people are taking it. There are many different body types, and all were not meant to be extremely thin. Thanks for your comments and thoughts.

    Mary Montague Sikes

    1. Thank you and you are so welcome. I agree, we should be healthy, not thin just because that's fashionable.

  8. Yah, Alex is a classy dude. So glad you're feeling better!
    Raquel Byrnes

  9. Glad you're feeling better and out of the fog from the meds. Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I've been away from blogging for quite a long time and am trying to ease back in and connect with old friends .
    I also read Alex's comments and it made me feel so much better to hear man say that they aren't really looking at our ankles and thighs . Magazines and media have given us a warped sense of what we should look like. It's so unhealthy for my teen daughters, but no chance of them believing me- I'm just their mom. My opinion on beauty doesn't count- lol.
    Nice to be back.

    1. Welcome back! Thank you for thinking of me. I agree, magazines make us hate ourselves when there is no need to. The idea of perfection is very damaging to teenagers, as i was one of those teenagers that hated myself for not being perfect and for being curvy. It is nice to have you back.

  10. I'm glad your neck pain is gone. I understand how it all stops you from thinking as I'm living with it at the minute. Keep well x

    1. Thank you. Sorry you have to live with constant pain. It is terrible. I hope you can find some kind of relief. Thank you for stopping by and I wish you well.

  11. I'm glad your neck pain is gone, and amen for curves!

    1. Thank you. Yep, curves are not the evil we are made to believe.

  12. Glad you feel better. And glad you liked what I said. It is the truth - men don't care. Our version of sexy is so much different than a woman's.

    1. Thank you. I loved what you said. It was such a relief to hear a man say curvy is sexy. Thank you for your honesty.

  13. Hey Murees! I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better!
    I say thumbs-up to our curves! *high-5's*
    Let's embrace them!

    1. I'm with you on the curves. Loving them. High five right back at ya!

  14. Great post, I came through Stephanie Faris sharing your link!


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