Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I blame the ghost in the machine

I am kind of embarrassed to mention it, but my computer had to go in for repairs. For some reason my computer screen went black and stayed that way for days. So I took it in for repairs and guess what? The computer suddenly started working perfectly and the tech guy blamed me for not shutting down my laptop properly. I am convinced that me and computers don't get along. There is a ghost in the machine that plays all kinds of havoc and makes me look bad. Bad Ghost.


  1. This made me smile :)! I swear I have the exact same ghost living inside my TV/laptop...sometimes whenever I try to turn one or the other on, it refuses point blank to do what I want to it I hand it over to my partner who miraculously gets it work within five seconds...hmph.

    1. I agree, sounds very familiar. Poor you. It gets rather frustrating after a while.

  2. LOL! Same thing happens to me. My hubby even looks at the computer and suddenly everything is working, but not for me.

  3. So sorry, Murees, I think we've all had strange things happen with our computers so don't worry.

  4. Replies
    1. Definitely! I bet the ghost is smiling now after making me look like an idiot.

  5. My computer pretty much behaves itself, but that ghost in my car engine....

    1. Wow! Your car? Suddenly the movie Christine jumps to mind.

  6. Glad to hear it's restored to its original working status!
    We must remember that it IS a machine, after all - and therefore totally unpredictable! LOL.

  7. This made me laugh as I can imagine the same thing happening to me. Computers and cars have a way of making me look very foolish! Glad your computer is actually okay and working well again though.

  8. Thank you. Technology has a way of making me look like a fool.


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