Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Hyperventilating today (IWSG)

When I started off the day I wasn’t feeling insecure about anything. In fact I felt good, as if I was on top of the world. Fast-forward a few more hours and I find myself hyperventilating. Why? Because I am trying to get things in place if I want to self-publish (next year hopefully).

That doesn’t sound so bad? Well, I never thought of me, self-publishing my work, as a small business. All businesses need a business plan and I did one in college as an assignment, but I have no idea how to do one now and then I have to think of what type of business I will be, an enterprise, LLC and so forth and then what will my business be named?

It is all getting so real and I have taken up the bad habit of procrastinating. My editing has slowed down too. Everytime I look at my manuscript I worry about sorting out all the tax info for my small business. I know this is really unrealistic and immature, but I thought I could just get my book ready and publish, ignoring the whole small business thing all together. Now there are so many other things to consider and I feel like I am in over my head. My problem is that I over think things sometimes.

How are you doing? Please, I hope you are doing much better than me, if not, I am sending you plenty of virtual hugs.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderfully talented Mr. Alex J Cavanaugh, so that writers can share the insecurities they have with each other and/or encourage others who need support with their insecurities. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.


  1. Thanks for the hugs, Murees, I need them! It helps me to cope by having a 'next action' book. And as a thought occurs during the day I write it in the book if it is actionable within a reasonable time scale. If not, it goes into my 'long term' I look at this books each morning, work through the 'next' and it helps. Once you have written everything down that you must do, then there is nothing left in the head, things are calmer... it helps... :0)

    1. Thank you Carole. That is great advice and I have to try it. I need to feel more calm. If you need more hugs, I can send more hugs. I have tons.

  2. I definitely understand how you feel, the small business and all that tax stuff scares me. Then you have the promoting to actual make money, which also freezes me to a stand still. I am inching forward bit by bit. First I have to finish my first book, and I guess I will worry about that the other after the fact. I am not sure how to go about making a business plan in the first place. I am working on building my writing platform. Every step forward is progress, and I will adapt, even if I fight the process, lol. Good Luck and Happy Writing.

    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

    1. I am not alone. That is so comforting. I guess I just need to slow things down a bit. Good luck with finishing your book. Thank you for the the visit.

  3. Lucky for me, I have that aspect of things pretty much down, since I had to sort my tax stuff out when I signed with my former publisher last year.

    1. Good for you. Now I am jealous. At least it is one less thing for you to worry about.

  4. I found when my book came out that there was a lot of legwork that had to be done and I'm traditionally published. I introduced myself to all the local booksellers and librarians, sent bookmarks out, etc. I'm not sure how much of it made a dent in the numbers, but getting your books in the stores or on people's Kindles is the big battle!

    1. Thank you for setting me straight. I still have a while before I have to worry about that aspect. I would probably suffer from insomnia when I would have a book out.

  5. Murees: You are wise to plan ahead and yes, both things need to get done: the book and the business end of things. Having just gone through this, at times it is overwhelming, but at the end of each day, you'll look back and smile at the ground you have covered, the people who have helped you and also at the lives you have touched. It is worth the effort (and I've sold very few books) but someone will reach out and thank you. Trust yourself and be open to help from those you know/trust. May your journey be smooth.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words of inspiration and advice. I wish you plenty of success for the future to come. Thank you so much for stopping by.

  6. Let's just say that you, dear Murees, are doing better than me. I'm revamping our small business right now and already my head's spinning. You sound like you're on the right track, though. Slow and easy and one step closer to your dreams.

    1. I hope you conquer that obstacle. Business can be a big headache, as I just found out, but I wouldn't wish that kind of worry on anyone. I really hope things get better for you soon.

  7. I'm always over my head. I'm beginning to appreciate it. Keep at whatever you're struggling to do. I'm sure all will turn out for the best in the end.

    1. Thank you so much for the motivating words. I know you are right.

    2. The only thing you don't want to do is stop trying. That is, unless you find something else you really want to do more than write. Keep us posted about your progress. I know there are a lot of successful self-published folks here who will share what they know.

  8. It sounds like you are on the right track though - just take one thing at a time and it will all get done and then you'll be amazed that it all got done. :) (that's how I felt when I self-pubbed)

    1. Thank you for the great advice. I can be such a baby sometimes.

  9. If you stick with it, it will smooth out and become a whole lot easier. That's what I tell myself when I'm feeling overwhelmed or worried. Best wishes for your self publishing endeavour.

    1. Thank you. I know your words are so true. I just have to learn not to panic when I don't know how to do something.

  10. If you want to feel better, I'll tell you my business plan is a scrawled note on the back of an old envelope, and I have some good ideas in my head :-) Being prepared is good, but remember the writing is at the heart of what you want to do.

    1. That is actually nice to know. All the books about self-publishing told me that I had to have the business plan and things like that figured out before I publish and it was stressing me out. But you are right, the writing should come first. Thank you for giving me a much needed reality check.

  11. Thanks for your kind support, Murees, after thirty years teaching I often think I'd like to return, but I don't think I would have the energy to do this any more. However, it's fun to return as author from time to time. Like being a grandmother, you can give them back at the end of the day :0)

    1. You are welcome. It is true, you have so much great knowledge and experiences to share. Visiting as an author must be a wonderful experience and a wonderful way to give back. Your stories can and will inspire many generations to come.

  12. Deep breath! It will be all right. We have a whole page devoted to self-publishing at the IWSG site that can help. Plus hundreds of authors here who have been through the process. Let them help so you can keep your sanity.

    1. Thank you, Alex. I definitely need to breath. So many bloggers have helped me so much, it just feels so selfish to keep asking them for help. But many of them have come through for me again, thanks to the wonderful IWSG.

  13. It does sound incredibly complicated but I'm sure if you break it down into really small steps you'll nail it :)

    1. I always tend to complicate things. I know if I give it more time I will figure things out. Thank you for your support.

  14. Murees, let me know if you have any questions regarding the LLC end of things. I'm sure you've got it, but I started my own, and I'm part of a writing group that also created an LLC. It was difficult to find anyone who could help me with all the info, so if you DO have questions, know that I'm just an email away. ;)

    Oh, and you totally got this.

    1. Thank you, Katie. You are totally awesome. I know what you mean. There is so much info on how to self-publish, but not a lot about the business side of things like getting yourself set up for tax purposes. Thank you for always being so awesome and for supporting me.


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