Wednesday, January 2, 2013


It is a new year with all new challenges. I am definitely taking advantage of that and leaving 2012 in the dust where it belongs. It had been a bad year career wise as well as writing and blogging wise for me. But, I feel more positive and excited for this year and I hope that good things will happen. Though, 2012 was not all bad, I got to make a lot more blogging friends and I signed with an agent.

This year I am going to try very hard to let my writing insecurities fly and just write, whether at that moment I think it is utter garbage or not, because I am sure there will be at least a few lines that I can salvage for another project if need be.

So, to all my fellow bloggers, writer and readers, lets make 2013 a great year that is worth remembering. No holding back.

If you would like to join the rest of us at the Insecure Writer’s Support Group, you are welcome to do so by signing up below, or you can stop by Alex’s blog. Hope to see you there.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderful and talented author and blogger, Alex J. Cavanaugh. You guys can visit Alex over at


  1. I try to use the "keep calm and write on" philosophy because I agree with you that somewhere in the mess of a first draft is something salvageable, something upon which you can build. It's a lot harder to revise a blank piece of paper.

    Best of luck to you!

  2. M.J. - Thank you! You are so right and now I have to try and stick to it too. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Have you tried outlining the story and then writing? Maybe that would give you more confidence as you write. Keep writing!

  4. I agree with Karen! You've secured an agent... what a coup! You've done well Murees!
    Keep the positive spirit!

  5. I love your attitude. Jut let them fly and write! My mind set exactly.

  6. Congrats on the AGENT... Why rush from 2012 so quickly?

    But the sun is bright and may in shine for all of us in 2013...

    HAPPY NEW YEAR and all the best!

  7. Wishing you all the best in 2013 - you definitely deserve it, onwards and upwards!

  8. Tonja - I do create an outline of my novel before I begin. Thank you for the concern.

    Karen - On the day job front I lost one job and then the second one was unsuccessful as well, meaning that I was totally dependant on my family for money. So I got an agent, but I couldn't support myself financially.

    Michelle - Thank you.

    Stephen - Thank you, you are so kind!

    Michael - Thank you. I think getting an agent took all my luck for 2012, because I was let go of one job and was unable to obtain another. But other than that...

  9. I've read so many amazingly positive posts today that I think Alex may have to re-name the group! Best of luck with everything! :-)

  10. LindaC - Thank you. Positive posts are always the best.

  11. What a great post, Murees. I am excited to see what 2013 has in store for all of us. Good luck.

  12. Good luck with your writing and the new year!

  13. Sydneyaalliyah - Thank you.

    Beth - Thank you and the same for you.

  14. In other words, why worry? Just write!

  15. Signing with an agent is quite a hurdle to leap...2012 must have a little good!

  16. Happy New Year! Congrats on the agent!

  17. Congrats on signing on with an agent! I think that this is the start of good things to come in 2013!

  18. I would think that signing with an agent would be a very exciting happening for a writer. Congratulations.
    I hope all your writing insecurities fly out the window. Good luck with 2013

  19. Alex - Definitely, thank you for stopping by.

    Elizabeth - Getting and agent was the best part. Thank you so much for stopping by.

    Ciara - Thank you!

    Julie - Thank you so much. I definitely hope so.

    Manzanita - Thank you!

  20. 'Just Writing' is one of the best goals you can have!! Best wishes for you in 2013!!

  21. Lynda - Thank you, for you as well.


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What is the point?

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