Thursday, December 13, 2012


I will not be blogging for the rest of this year and will only return next year, unless the world ends on 21 December 2012. However, I will still be visiting your blogs and leaving comments.

I know it is a little early, but I think it is time that I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a very prosperous New Year and that all your unanswered wishes may come true in 2013.

For those of you that are travelling during the festive time, please be safe and take care of yourselves. For those of you that will be staying home, may you and your family spend lots of quality time together and I hope that your time together will be really special too.

Until next year, take care and lots of love from my side.


  1. Merry Christmas to you too, Murees, and a great New Year!! :-)

  2. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
    I'll be thinking of you...
    Keep in touch, Murees!

  3. Annalisa - Thank you!

    Michelle - Thank you and I will.

  4. Happy Holidays! See you in the new year. :)

  5. The Golden Eagle - Thank you. See you then.

  6. Have a blessed Christmas and new year!

  7. Misha - Thank you so much, you too.

    Tonja - Thanks, you as well.

  8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too!

  9. Havіng reаd this I believed it ωaѕ extrеmely enlightening.
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    a lot of time both reading and ρoѕting comments.

    But so what, it was still ωorthwhile!
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  10. Anonymous - Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  11. I hope you and yours had a very Merry Christmas and are looking to very Happy New Year!


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