Wednesday, December 5, 2012


It is time for the Insecure Writer's Support Group again and honestly, I am in a terrible state of mind all around. I am feeling really insecure about my writing and life in general. But you know what, everyone goes through such a time in their life, which has me thinking that this is just my time to have a little instability.

I know that I have to think a few things through and make up my mind about a few other things as well. I just keep reminding myself that it will all pass, eventually.

What about you? Are you insecure about anything right now?

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the wonderful and talented author and blogger, Alex J. Cavanaugh. You guys can visit Alex over at


  1. My life experience has taught me that sometimes when life gets bad and not at all according to plan, things always end up okay. I recommend putting your angst into your writing (and don't give up on it) and roll with the rest of it.


  2. I have been feeling horribly insecure about writing lately. But today, I am feeling better. Don't know how long that'll last before the cycle comes back around but I'll enjoy it while I can.

  3. At least you realise that you will come out of this phase and that you need time to think things through properly. I hope you feel better soon. Linda. (new follower)

  4. Tonja - Luckily there is always my writing. You are so great, thanks.

    M.J. - That is so great. You should definitely enjoy the secure feeling that can come with writing. I am happy that you are on the great side of the cycle. Good for you. Thanks for stopping by.

    Linda C - Thank you so much for your kind words. Also, thank you for following my blog.

  5. When you go through periods when you're not feeling confident, you just need to remind yourself of all you've done right.

    I think you said you've completed four novels, so you've clearly got the habit of seeing things through to their conclusion.

    And you've got a literary agent, so she sees something in your writing worthy of her professional time.

    Just try and remind yourself of that when your doubts get a bit too much for you!

  6. noonebutabloghead - Thank you so much for these really kind words. You are absolutely right about me needing to remember what I have accomplished. You are just awesome. Thanks again.

  7. The end of the year can make you feel drained and lost - so I wish you a fantastically focused 2013.

  8. Yep, I'm familiar with that feeling... and yes, it's good to remember that all things have a tendency to smooth out over time.

  9. Annalisa - Thank you! I just think that 2012 was just not my year.

    Lynda - Thank you for the virtual hugs, I needed it.

  10. I feel your pain. I really do. We just have to get through it and it does look better on the other side.

  11. We all feel that way from time to time...
    I'm sending positive vibes to you------WHOOSH-------
    Keep your chin up!

  12. Heather - Thanks Heather! You are awesome.

    Michelle - Thanks! You always know just what to say to cheer me up. I appreciate it.


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