Monday, July 1, 2013


I think that there are very few things in life that truly make you feel wonderful and beaming. For me, one of the best when you read a book that leaves you feeling inspired, happy and satisfied. Whether you simply enjoyed the story or whether you can relate to the characters, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you truly enjoyed the book so much that it influenced how you felt afterwards.

Well that is exactly what I want to do. I want to write books that touch people's hearts, draws them in, leaves them feeling happy and wanting more. I don't care if I am recognized by the book critics as a great writer or if I win writing awards. All I ever wanted was to share my work and hopefully make people feel as good as other writers and their work has made me feel. I want my work to help other people get through tough times as many great books have helped me. That is why I write.


  1. I know exactly what you mean! :)

    Stopping by on the A-Z Road Trip....

  2. Well, that sounds like a pretty good reason to me. Keep at it.

  3. A very noble aspiration to write. Good luck

  4. Madeline - Thank you for stopping by.

    LD Masterson - Thank you, will do.

    Manzanita - Thank you. I always try.

  5. That is one of the best reasons to write in my opinion. (:

  6. It's refreshing to know that there are people with such true intention still writing!

    I think the writing gets stale if it's done for any other reason. In the end, isn't that feeling what compels us to write? It is for me, I think.

  7. Murees, you believe in yourself enough, there is no reason why you cannot excel at writing. Just keep going. You have what it takes. And you have faith. That's huge.

  8. Elise - Thank you.

    Katie - Thank you. I am glad that you agree.

    Nancy - Thank you so much for your kind words. They were truly touching.

  9. I like that - concise, sweet and a reminder of the best part about writing.

    Of course, the possibility of multimillion contract is a nice motivator as well...

  10. noonbutabloghead - It is nice, but as long as I can feel proud about my writing, it is all good. As long as I can write what I want.


Feel free to leave comments. I love comments. But no spam, or hate speech. Your comments will be deleted, and I'd wish you a painful death, and your soul to turn to nothingness.

What is the point?

Today I was plagued with the idea, why? And why?  Everywhere these days there's a silent rule imposed by some invisible person or person...