Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I did something really naughty. Well, in my opinion it was necessary. I had handed in my resignation last week. I am finishing at my job next week. I had just had enough of people shouting at me and being mean for no reason. It was not an environment I could see myself working in on the long run and when my boss was rude to me last week, I knew I had to leave.

The only problem is, he has been making my last few days hell and even making it difficult for all the proper documentation to be processed so that I can leave with a certificate of service and my pay for days worked.

I guess it is not so bad, wait till you hear what I will have to say on 1 August. My timing could just not have been any worse. But I have this feeling that something good is lurking around the corner.


  1. August 1? You have my interest.

    Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Hope it all works out.

  2. I don't think leaving a situation where someone yells at you and is rude sounds naughty. Hope August 1 brings good news.

  3. I hope you find a new job right away, Murees. There is always something better around the corner. I don't think mean people deserve you on their staff. Best wishes. You didn't do the wrong thing because everything happens at the right time for a reason.

  4. August 01? The day after tomorrow? I'll be checking in-----

  5. By the sound of things, I feel you made the right decision. You are on a new path, and I hope you fly high...

  6. You'll be all right! There's always something good to come out of every bad situation. Just hang in there. Fate seems to favor those who take their chances. Good for you!

  7. Curious about tomorrow's post :-) Best wishes for the next job!

  8. Jai - Thank you for understanding.

    Elizabeth - I didn't think it was a situation that I wanted to be exposed to any more. Thank you for your positive words.

    Deanie - Aww! You are being so kind. Thank you.

    Michelle - I hope to see you there! Thank you for the interest.

    Cathrina - Thank you so much! Your words are really comforting.

    Katie - Thank you! I am just taking a leap of faith here and I think you are right. I feel happy even though I should be worried.

    Annalisa - Thank you.

  9. Always have faith in what's around that corner.

  10. Keep moving forward! Keep going! You will find a place where you feel at home!


  11. LD - Thank you and I know it will be good.

    Heather - Thank you so much!

  12. Hi Murees - I think you definitely made the right decision - good luck for the future ..

    Cheers Hilary

  13. Hilary - Thank you. I will definitely need it.

    Jyoti - Thank you.


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