Monday, June 24, 2013


Thank you Tara and Heather for hosting this awesome blog hop.

When it comes down to the biggest thrill that I have ever experienced, it still has to be the day that I got an email from my literary agent. I felt something close to butterflies and I felt like everything was going right. But I have to admit that to this day, I get a similar thrill whenever I see that someone has taken the time to leave a comment on my blog or has decided to follow my blog. I have butterflies, I feel humbled and happy to be alive.


  1. How lovely! I just followed you, enjoy the thrill!

  2. May you never lose the thrill. Excellent post.
    CD Coffelt ponders at Spirit Called
    And critiques at UnicornBell

  3. I agree with you on the thrill of someone commenting and following. It makes me smile everything I get that notification on my phone.
    Looking forward to the Agent thrill. It's coming soon, I hope.

  4. Carolyn - Thank you so much!

    Huntress - Thank you!

    Sydneyaaliyah - I am sure you will get your agent soon. Just hang in there. I agree, there is no better feeling than finding out you have a new follower or that someone has commented.

  5. I look forward to one day experiencing the same thrill of an agent's first e-mail, but for now I settle for that thrill that I too experience whenever someone new follows me or leaves a comment. Thanks for giving me one today!

  6. I feel the same way when I get a follow or comment! It's the best!

  7. How can I not comment on that?

    But I know what you mean, knowing that your words are being shared is awesome. Congrats on getting an agent!

  8. Yes, it IS thrilling whenever somebody new follows your blog... and the comments too...

  9. Yup, getting a call from an agent has to rate pretty high on the thrill list.

  10. Ooo. Your thrill made my stomach flutter. :)

  11. It's so nice to be acknowledged. Good article. You are appreciated.

  12. aww, you are so sweet! i hope you got many new followers! i am!

  13. What an awesome day! I can wall paper my house with the rejections letters I received. Props to you!

  14. Congratulations! Such a blessing when you're rewarded for your talents.

  15. Add me to the list of new followers.. I am so overwhelmed with the responses and support from fellow bloggers. Happy thrilling!

  16. As my wife says, it's often the little things that bring the most joy.

  17. Beverly - You are welcome. That important email will come. Just do not give up on your dream.

    Katie - Definitely! I am smiling like a fool right now.

    Elizabeth - Thank you. Fellow writers and bloggers are just super supportive.

    Michelle - It is just one of the best feelings ever.

    LD Masterson - It is great, but so is being part of such an awesome blogging community, where I meet great people like you, daily.

    M Pax - Wow, thank you.

    Suz - Thank you so much. Your words are very kind.

    Tara - Thank you for following. You are very kind.

    Stephen - Thank you. I have a special folder with all my rejections letters. I still look at them regularly.

    Deanie - Thank you. It does feel great to know others like reading what I write.

    Miss Tutti - Thank you so much! The blogging community is just amazing and super supportive.

    Alex - Those words are so true and so fitting to my life. Thank you.

  18. That is an excellent THRILL! I know exactly what you mean! Thank you for joining us and participating!

  19. Heather - You are welcome! Thank you for hosting such a fun blog hop.

  20. Oh man, I remember my first email from a literary agent. Talk about butterflies. It didn't go so great after I opened the email, but having it there was like sticking my finger in the electrical outlet! Great post.

  21. Great thrill! Writing and getting positive feedback is thrilling!

  22. I like a writer who can appreciate the small, wonderful things even amid the big things like getting that call from an agent.

  23. Rena - Thank you. Yeah, getting a bad letter from an agent is awful. I still have all my rejection letters. Thank you for the visit.

    Tyrean - It is definitely one of the best feelings out there. Thank you for the visit.

    Nicki - Thank you, you are too kind. Thank you for the visit.


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