Saturday, June 22, 2013


The bad news...I am sort of in a weird spot at the moment. Two of my aunts have passed away this week and I need to attend their funerals. One funeral is in town and the other is halfway across the country. I always hate funerals because they are so sad and I never quite know what to say to the grieving family, because at my dad's funeral I hated the very fact that everyone wanted to talk to me, sympathize and hug me. I just wanted to be on my own. Of course my boss already gave me grief when I asked him to go to the one funeral and this morning we found out about my other aunt dying, so now I have to try and get off again. My boss is such an ass!

Good news is...that when I woke up this morning, I woke up with a story in my head. I feel like I have to write it as fast as possible before the urge to not want to write takes over again. I want to make sure I get it written, because I can see the whole story unfold in front of my eyes like it is a movie. Now, this has happened to me before and I had actually managed to finish writing the book. Lately I had started a book and had not finished it. Now, I am writing again and I love the feeling of the writing process, wanting to know more and watching the story unfold before my very eyes.


  1. Hi Murees - sorry about the loss of your aunts ... however be as peaceful as you can with your boss .. his time will come and he'll realise.

    That's great that you have a story ready to be written ... enjoy your time unfolding that journey .. new beginnings ..

    Funerals are time to catch up with relatives and friends .. be at peace with it all .. forget your boss - take the time and use it for you ..

    With thoughts - Hilary

  2. Good news, bad news..
    our life never get short of them..

    Good luck with story... and may your aunts souls Rest in Peace !!

  3. Hilary - Thank you so much for your kind and comforting words. You are so right and I should just try and be at peace and take it all on as it comes my way.

    Jyoti - Thank you so much! Your words are very kind.

  4. Good grief! Two funerals in a week? That's horrible. It's worse that your boss is a punk about it. Good luck with that.

    And good luck with the story- that's a great thing for a sad time!

  5. Katie - Thank you! You are just too kind.

  6. Murees, I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Please stop by my blog, to find out more. I hope this brightens up your day.


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What is the point?

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