Saturday, August 4, 2012


It is my oldest sister's birthday tomorrow and for once I helped out my pastry chef sister with all the goodies for tomorrow and let me tell you, it is going to be a sweet, high calorie feast, as we are big on desserts in my family. I have been trying to live a healthier lifestyle, but I have also been trying to get fit, as I tend to be overweight. As if it is not hard enough trying to motivate myself to exercise, now I will be in cake and cheesecake heaven. Yum!

But don't worry, I plan on going back to the garden next week, even though it is twice as overgrown as the first part. I am going to go in and clean out those weeds. What are you guys up to?


  1. Gardening is the best exercise. So, get those weeds out and then you can have an extra piece of cheesecake. Enjoy!

  2. Enjoy the party. There's nothing wrong with eating sweets/desserts... as long as it's done in moderation.

  3. Convey by birthday wishes :)
    have fun !

  4. Convey by birthday wishes :)
    have fun !

  5. Susan - Thank you, Susan. It is true, pulling out those weeds is hard work.

    Michelle - Very true, thank you.

    Goku - Thank you, I will do so. Thank you for stopping by.

    Kelley - Thanks. It was, just a crazy day.

  6. Enjoy those times with your sister! We are big on sweets too in my family. :)

    P.S. Thanks so much for the kind words you left on my blog about my mom. Much appreciated. xo

  7. Yum, cheesecake! I hope the birthday celebrations went well and the garden has a few less weeds :)

  8. Lynda - Thank you, and yes, it all went well, just really busy. I actually planted some roses today.


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