Wednesday, August 15, 2012


It is late in the afternoon and the sky is filled with black clouds. The rain is pouring down by the bucket loads at the moment and the writing juices is flowing freely. I don't know exactly what it is about the rain that makes it the best weather to write in. Maybe it is because the dark clouds appeal to the darkness inside me. I am not sure. I guess it could also be because my characters always have an unknown darkness to themselves as well.

The freelance writing jobs are scarce at the moment. I haven't been able to get one in a month, but I am still trying. I guess the news of finding an agent could not have come at a better time, as it takes some of the pressure of being unemployed off my shoulders. My family are not so pushy about me going out and getting a real job at the moment. Though, the fact that I have an agent won't save me for long.


  1. I know the feeling. I run a small business but things are slow at the moment. Something always comes along though, so just have faith. It will all work out. Even when we think its hopeless, a little sunshine shows up. Just keep writing! :)

  2. We had freezing weather here in Durban last week this time and snow on the berg.
    Today it's 31 degrees... what's with the weather! *shrugs*
    Great to hear that the creative juices are flowing... go Murees!

  3. I completely agree, the rain always makes me want to write. In my case it's the sheer joy of knowing that 4 years ago, I'd have had to travel to work in it, whereas now I can just put the kettle on a listen to the torrential rain hitting the windows!

  4. T C - Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. Writing is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment.

    Michelle - Thank you. The weather is just as crazy here. We had really hard rain for three days straight, accompanied with strong winds. Guess now we know why it is called The Cape of Storms.

    Annalisa - Nothing is worse than having to be out in the rain. Luckily we get to stay in and write. Yay for us!

  5. I LOVE thunderstorms!! Rain. Basically all forms of weather :)

    Ride high on that agent. :) Go you!

  6. I LOVE thunderstorms!! Rain. Basically all forms of weather :)

    Ride high on that agent. :) Go you!

  7. Kelley Lynn - Thank you!

    Beth - Thank you.

  8. We could use some of that rain in Northern Colorado if you'd like to share. :D

    I find it so much easier to get in the writing mood in gloomy weather...although it also tempts me to curl up with a good book to read for fun...or take a nap.

  9. Patricia - You are more than welcome to collect on the rain. Though, summers get really hot here, so I will probably be wishing for rain then too.

    I also tend to nap when it rains this hard. You read my mind.


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What is the point?

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