Thursday, May 31, 2012


I have finally gotten a new freelance job. I joined two weeks ago and that is how I got this job. This is a wonderful website if you want to find freelancing jobs from any working sector imaginable. of course, I should mention that the company Elance gets a percentage of any money that you make. I find it to be completely fair as they provide a safe job finding experience, not to mention the best freelancing jobs out there, as well as guaranteed payment.

I am now working my butt off and taking it all one day at a time. That is the only thing that one can do.


  1. Well done. I keep thinking about freelance writing, but I'm not sure my skills are up to it - maybe one day.

  2. Annalisa - Thank you! I respect that. If you ever want any tips or help getting started, you can count on me.

  3. The Golden Eagle - Thank you so much.

  4. Good for you, Murees!
    When one door closes, another one opens!!


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