Wednesday, July 6, 2016

July IWSG 2016

IWSG Question: What's the best thing someone has ever said about your writing?
I think my writing is still at it's infancy, but someone mentioned that I had a great imagination. Also, a few people have mentioned I'm a good writer. Because I have a hard time accepting compliments, I'm not so sure about being a good writer:) I hope to just be a competent writer someday:) 

This week I'm feeling a little insecure about my writing/ publishing future. I had underestimated how expensive self-publishing can be (or at least for me it is, because I don't have a full-time job). Even if I finish my second book, I might not be able to publish it for another year. But on the other side, it will give me more time to finish book three as well. 

It's my own fault that I'm in this situation. Nobody told me to not have a full-time job. I had decided to quit the job I had and help my brother with his P.hD 3 years ago. I have nobody else to blame for not being able to have all the funding I need. Hopefully I can remedy that soon. After all, you don't need money to write. All you need is a pen an paper really. Publishing can be expensive, but writing isn't. 

So, how are you doing? 

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the talented Mr. Alex J. Cavanaugh so that writers can share their insecurities and/or encourage others who need support with their own. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.


  1. I get the expense part. No job and looking on a fixed income that barely covers the basic so I will be publishing broke. Holly Lisle has a little course called Publishing While Broke but she moved her site so this is not live again yet. We can learn a lot ourself its just a lot of work and practice.

    I'm doing NaNo this month hope to have 31 FF by the end of July. It is good practice to get back into the daily writing habit.
    Happy IWSG Day and Happy Writing
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

    1. Thank you, Juneta. I will check out Holly Lisle. And I agree. I have learnt a lot myself on this journey too, it does take practice and time which I have a lot of at the moment:) Thank you for coming over.

  2. "Because I have a hard time accepting compliments, I'm not so sure about being a good writer:) I hope to just be a competent writer someday." <---This is so me, too!

    And I'm in a similar situation with publishing. It's an expensive endeavor, even when one has a job. I like that thought about publishing being expensive, but writing isn't.

    1. Thank you, M.J. I hope your editing is still going well.

  3. I'm sorry cost is an issue. Polish the second and work on the third in the meantime. Sometimes waiting is good.

  4. Everything happens for a reason. Just take it one day at a time and you'll get there :-) It took me 3 1/2 years to see my first book published.

  5. Have you considered doing something like Patreon? I know a lot of people out there like supporting artists and understand the financial stress they come into. Regardless, you've got the right attitude to just keep writing. I hope you get your money woes figured out!

    1. Thank you, Loni. I know it might sound silly, but I really want to do it on my own. I don't like asking anyone for money. I'm just really stubborn:)

  6. You have the right idea - write. Everything else will come in its own time. For now, write the stories you feel in your heart. And don't stop.

  7. I have a hard time accepting compliments too. I can totally relate! I love your line that publishing is expensive but writing isn't. So true and it helps to remember that since writing is the thing we all love. Keep writing and the rest will come together in time.

    1. Thank you, Julie. Writing is definitely the one thing I love.

  8. I hear you, Murees. I'd love to go part time but I love that biweekly paycheck, too. The expense just sneaks up on you, doesn't it? Thinking of it as an investment takes away the sting. And believing those comments will, too!

    1. Thank you, Nancy. I should look at it as an investment. After all, it is, right?

  9. So very true, writing is inexpensive, and publishing and marketing is very expensive. I too am considering going back to work!
    A great imagination is a valuable compliment!

    1. Thank you, Yolanda. Deciding to go back to work is a tough one. I hope you figure out an option that will work for you.

  10. We writers should have a full-time or atleast a part-time job, because royalties are just not enough, unless and until we get 6 figure deals for all our books. Getting a compliment about your imagination or being called a good writer is such a lovely compliment.

    Rachna Chhabria
    Co-host IWSG
    Rachna's Scriptorium

    1. Thank you, Rachna. I know I was too hasty in giving up my day-job. But I hated my job and felt my soul dying a little bit every day. I truly thought that I would find a freelancing alternative soon after.

  11. Murees,
    I truly admire you. You quit your job to help out someone that means a lot to you. I applaud you. I would have done the same thing. You have begun or have the chance to write your third book before you began publishing. Again, that is a blessing. Who knows what will happen when your first book comes out. It could be a bestseller and put you on the road a lot, travelling to promote and you wouldn't have time to write your second and third book. So keep your head to the sky and keep pushing. I believe that all things work together for our best when we keep moving forward.

    I like that with your imagination. Great!
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,

    1. Thank you, Patricia. I will definitely keep pushing forward.

  12. It makes me squirm when someone compliments me in person, but in writing, I just blush and jump up and down! Don't ask me why there's a difference, but there is. I take the written ones more seriously.
    I think it's awesome that you're helping your brother. You are an amazing sister! I hope that everything is ready when your second book is ready. Best wishes on all of your endeavors!

    1. Thank you, Tyrean. I should really work on accepting compliments and celebrate by jumping up and down too. It would do me good.

  13. Keep working on the writing! Everything else will work out - believe it! :)

  14. indeed, I learned to not quit the day job. The marketing,etc takes a lot of time and I admit I'm not good at asking folks to buy my book. You do have to push yourself out there. As you add more books, you can get a following. Good luck and keep writing!

    1. Thank you, Joanne. I don't like asking people to buy my book either.

  15. Sorry about the job and finances situation; it can be hard to pay for everything even with more than one job (trust me, I know). But even if it takes longer to publish the second book, at least you know that it will get published eventually.

    1. Thank you, NW. Exactly. At least I can still keep on writing. I know that you have several jobs and are always working. It is one of the things I admire about you. You never give up.

  16. You are creative, Murees, and I promise you that you are a good writer.


  17. I'm a lot like you. It's hard for me to take a compliment. The problem with that is, when you don't take one well, people you know are less likely to give you one. Keep up the great work.

    1. Thank you, Jeffrey. I really am working on taking compliments better.

  18. You stopped working to help your brother, which is a fantastic thing to have done! I'm sorry to hear there won't be book two for awhile, but I'll be happy to know you're writing it and preparing book 3.

    1. Thank you, Shannon. That is very nice of you to say.

  19. Self publishing is HELLISHLY expensive. That's why I do as much as possible on my own.

    1. It is. I also like doing things by myself. I'm sure I will figure it all out:) Wishing you well, Misha.


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