Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Because I like a challenge

I am thirty years old and I’m not financially independent. While I do get the regular “Why aren’t you married yet? You’re not getting any younger,” comment, I couldn’t care less about getting married. I’m more shocked at the fact that I’ve only ever lived with my family (holidays don’t count) and that after thirty years, I’m still financially dependent on them. Shocking right? Do you know the weird part? Even if I had the money, I would still be living with my family. They’re also my best friends. Not many people get me in the real world, in person. So, I hang on tight to the few that do:)

I’ve never had jobs that earned so much that I could survive on my own salary and the one job that made living alone possible, back in 2013, wasn’t the kind of job I could do long term. When my boss told me to “Do as I say, or you won’t be working here long,” I handed in my resignation and mentally told him to shove his job where the sun didn’t shine. Then my brother came to the rescue of course. Since then I did little things here and there to get an income but I haven’t been able to hold down any other job. Pathetic I know.

So, because I’m such a loser, I thought I would start, from today on, to make becoming “financially independent” my new life goal. I love being a writer. But I don’t want my fiction to be the reason to make money. I want it to be the fun part. I thus have to come up with another means of income. Several actually. I’m embarrassed to mention it, but I’ve actually signed up to various online survey sites and they offer cash, or shopping vouchers in exchange. Of course there’s a payout threshold, but it’s one form of income. So, I just have to figure out another few too.

I’ve always wanted to write freelance. Though, I have been warned about how tough it is out there. I understand, but, most people also warned me that publishing a book is almost impossible and I actually did do it, even after years of struggling, but I did it and hope to do so again. A challenge doesn’t scare me anymore. To prove it, I bought a website for my freelance business. You can check it out here and tell me what you think. Yep, that is my real name. Though, that is another post. 

Because struggling to write fiction isn’t difficult enough, I will add struggling for financial independence to my “to do” list from now on. Stay tuned if you want a good laugh. I’m rather excited about it. The worst that could happen is that I stay broke, right?

How long did it take you to become financially independent? Got any advice for me? 


  1. Tricky one. I know that Chandler Bolt was looking for new members for his customer service team a few weeks ago. You could keep an eye out there:
    I was confused at your comment about keeping the writing the fun part of your life and not considering making it your living. You are such a good writer - surely earning a living from your writing would be the perfect fix?
    Wishing you lots of luck, Murees. Your website is looking good already :)

    1. Thank you, Nicole. Because I'm still a new fiction writer, I don't really earn anything from my writing yet. But, it would be ideal;) I will check out the self-publishing school. Thanks.

  2. Stephanie Faris works full time as a freelance writer. She would be a good person to ask. It can be done!

    1. Thanks, Alex. I have actually been too shy to ask her. But I will definitely pop her an email.

  3. Murees, your new website looks good and it sounds like you're headed in a good direction. Hope your new adventures to become financial independent are ones that you enjoy doing. Best of luck.

    Thoughts in Progress
    and MC Book Tours

  4. I can relate to this. My mom lives with me and I live with her because we are both financially dependent on each other and neither of us have a man. I get the marriage question from my 10 and 8 year-old nephews! And I can't work a regular job because I'm disabled, so get a ton of money has always been a problem. I had always thought of writing freelance but I could never sell anything. I started freelance editing and that's been helping.

    Good luck!

    1. Thank you. That's amazing. I actually don't think I'm good at editing, but I know you are. I also had a problem selling my work before. But I have to put my everything into it this time:) You are amazing. You do so much. I really hope your fiction starts selling even better to help you out even more.

  5. I can relate to this, too. I'm a bit embarassed to say that I've never been truly "independent." I went from college (with lots of help from my parents) to working part-time as a substitute teacher and married to my husband. I used to put 90% of my paychecks in the bank for savings for my family, and then I decided to stay home with my kids . . .
    So, I can't claim financial independence or even a great financial contribution to my family household. It really bothers me sometimes, and I've been making it my goal these past few months to make a change to that. I have been teaching one day a week at a home-school co-operative and I'll do that again next year. I've put in for renewing my teaching certificate. And, I just signed up with an online network that matches tutors and proofreaders with students and those in need of proofreading. I did apply for one full-time job, but it doesn't really fit our family situation at this point, and it was going to pay me nearly minimum wage for full-time teaching work with limited to no benefits - not exactly the best deal. (And there were other reasons it wasn't a good fit for me. I asked God for discernment and He seriously delivered on the "Not this job.")

    So, here's to wishing and praying for the best for you (for both of us and everyone looking for a little more financial independence).

    I'll check out your site! :)

    1. Thank you, Tyrean. I hope you find the financial independence for you too and a job better suited for you and your family. Raising kids and being a mom is a full-time job:) It is hard work. You are wonderful.

  6. Congratulations on your website. I'm not making a living as a writer, but a lot of people around me are making a living as writers. Most of them are writing non fiction books for kids. Some of them are doing work for hire books, some make proposals and then write the books. I'm thinking about trying my hand at writing a proposal.... Best wishes to you!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I hope you succeed with your proposal.

  7. 31 published novels...still look forward to being 'independent'

    1. I don't understand that myself. You're an awesome writer.

  8. Hi Murees - well done on checking out other opportunities - good luck with those. I'm sure one of the things for us all - is we need to be out there promoting ourselves in whichever way we can ... definitely something I need to do too - as I could do with some extra income ... good luck and getting out a bit more, or trying new things - will give you confidence in other areas ... cheers and take care - Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary. I hope you find that extra income you are looking for.

  9. Good for you! It's hard to really figure out what you'd like to do. Lots of people are in the same position, but at least you have the freelance option. The website looks good. Best of luck with the new ventures!

  10. I'll check out your website after i comment Murees. Having been in full-time work most of my life (except for the time I took out to have kids) I find it hard to relate, but I know that it's getting harder and harder to find satisfying employment. I've given up full-time teaching for my own English tutoring business. It makes a good income. Perhaps you could tutor? Anyway, now that you've put it on the table, I'm sure your motivation will increase and down the track you will find financial independence.

    And isn't it sad that authors of multiple books aren't making a livable income.

    I write short stories which is very lucrative too. It's quick money. Just finding the markets can be difficult, but once you're in, it's easier. You really have to cast your net wide for freelance writing opportunities. Travel writing is at times lucrative. Even if you don't travel, you can write articles about the area you live in. Fancy that? Your area is exotic to those who haven't been there.

    Denise :-)

    1. Thank you, Denise. I never thought of South Africa as exotic, but I can understand how it can be to others. I should definitely use that.

  11. Thank you, Karen. I know there are great opportunities out there, I just have to find them:) I appreciate your positive attitude.

  12. I'm a 47-year-old divorced single mom of 6 kids. I work 35 hours per week at job number 1, and regularly have a job number 2 and then try to freelance write as much as I can. I have way too much debt, and I need to ask my dad for financial help every few months. So I guess I'm still not financially independent. That's depressing just writing all that out :(

    As for freelancing, it's tough. And the market has really changed these past few years. So much of it now is a low flat fee and then bonus shares based on how often your posts gets liked or shared - basically it's a popularity contest where unfortunately the best writing isn't necessarily the winner.

    But keep on plugging at it. I once got the advice that if you are writing to get rich, well you better be buying lottery tickers too!

    1. Wow, you are amazing. You are crazy busy. I might just have to start buying lottery tickets;) I'm realizing that everyone needs a little financial help every now and then. Thank you for being so honest.

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you. It's kind of scary putting myself out there like that.

  14. Hi Murees,
    I love this post. Financially independent? That's a word that trap many of us because we think that having enough money is all it takes. I want to have plenty but not at the expense of being financially independent because some how or another arrogance steps in and begins to dominate the person.
    Now I will go look at your new website.
    Shalom aleichem,

    1. Thank you, Patricia. I definitely don't want to become arrogant. I just want to start supporting myself. I don't like still having to ask my siblings for money to buy toiletries;)

  15. Your website is straight to the point and simple to understand.
    Great job and all the best.
    Shalom aleichem,

  16. Hello Murees,
    I have nominated you for this year’s Liebster Award. If you decide to accept, the instructions are at my book review website at:
    Have a nice Sunday.
    Shalom aleichem,

    1. Wow, Patricia. Thank you. I am honored. Thank you for the follow.


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