Monday, July 18, 2016

I get distracted easily

When it comes to my writing, I like to think that I'm cool, calm and collected. I take my time. I don't rush the experience. That's all fine and well, but that attitude has done nothing but made me lazy.

For the past couple of months I told myself "Don't worry, you will get to your writing. Finish binge watching old Sex and the City episodes. You will get to writing, eventually." Do you know what? I didn't get any writing done.

Unfortunately, I'm  not one of those writers, if left on their own, that will just keep on working on their novel when there's a TV close by. Just like with food I gravitate towards burgers, pizza and soda. The bad stuff, I guess.

So in order for me to stop picking the wrong things (writing wise), I've decided to go back to a writing schedule. I had one before. However, I've never been able to use a schedule for blogging. I'm just random like that.

Discipline has worked for  me before, so hopefully, it will work for me again. In my defense, burgers are great and can I help that there are so many great movies and series out there to watch? A girl gets distracted . . .


  1. A schedule and a deadline is the only way I get any writing done. Good luck!

  2. Hi Murees - I'm sure if you can get blogging into gear (as Alex says ... schedule and a deadline) - you'll find your writing will slot into place too ... good luck - cheers Hilary

  3. I binge watch Sex and the City, too! I can't help it. ;) But I can actually write while watching TV. I guess it's a gift. lol

    1. Definitely a gift:) Carrie and the girls are so funny.

  4. I have to have a schedule, deadline and/or a list to get anything done. I get distracted too. Good luck with your schedule.

    1. Thank you, Mason. A list could also work. It always used to work for me.

  5. Yes, it's easy to let other "thing" get in the way of our writing. I set a schedule or make a list each week. I don't always meet it, but at least it gives me goals to reach. Hope yours helps.

    1. Thank you, Beverly. I definitely have to get my goals sorted out:)

  6. I get distracted easily, too. I had a volunteer job basically eat away my writing time . . . and today, I just said, "no." Well, at least I said, "tomorrow, on purpose" to the volunteer job while I spent three hours writing. Whew. I feel so much more human now. It isn't even an accomplishment thing for me as much as I just feel far better when I get some words on the page.
    Happy writing! (maybe write about the good, greasy burgers.) :)

    1. Thank you, Tyrean. I'm glad you feel better and you got some writing done. Perhaps I should try saying no too.

  7. It's so difficult to stay away from Sex and the City. I have several seasons on DVD.


  8. I haven;t written either, but I've almost finished The Office and just started Hemlock Grove. Can I count that as research?

    1. Absolutely! We might just get character inspiration:)

  9. I am excited to hear how the schedule goes. I envy your discipline. If I could only get this 8 month old to get on a schedule so I know when I'll be free...

    1. Aww. Sorry. You aren't getting much sleep hah? I admire you. You are a tough woman.

  10. Maybe try using the burgers and the binge-watching as a reward for getting a certain amount of writing done? Write for an hour, watch an hour of TV while eating a delicious burger.... :)

    1. Ooh! That sounds so good. You are definitely on to something. Thanks, Madeline.

  11. LOL! I blogged about this just today! I think goals and deadlines are what keep me going. Admittedly, if I could carve out the same time each day to write, I'd make epic progress, but I go into drafting mode where I churn out 2K+ a day, then going into hibernation...erm...survival mode.

    1. I agree. A schedule might just be what I've been missing.

  12. It will be nice to know how your scheduling goes. Distraction while writing and editing is a killer.

    1. Definitely is:) I will keep you up to date. Thank you for stopping by.

  13. I can't go a day without writing something. Glad you're getting back into schedule mode :)

  14. I'm easily distracted, so I always go work on my story somewhere quiet, away from everyone and everything. As far as a schedule goes, I feel bad if I go a whole day without working on my story, so I have plenty of incentive there.

    1. I can't write with people around me either. They always tend to hover around. Unfortunately, guilt isn't enough for me these days:) Thanks for stopping by.

  15. A writing schedule is the ONLY way I can do it. I try to do at least one page a day, no matter what's going on in my life. That way I stay in the story at all times.

    1. That makes sense, Stephanie. I think I'm simply past lazy. Getting into a schedule is tough:)


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