Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I'm tinker crazy

First, let me start off by saying “I’m sorry,” to anyone that has bought a copy of my book. I read it this weekend to tie up any loose ends from book one in book two, and I found one plot problem, which I have fixed. I am mortified. But I really am sorry. It is not my editor’s fault. She did a superb job. The one mistake was something I had changed after she gave me my final edited manuscript, so only I am to blame.

Secondly, I have not done audio for this post. In fact, I’m not sure if the audio is such a good idea anymore. I didn’t think about how much time it would take. Today one of our neighbors kept revving his engine like a racecar driver and I just couldn’t clean up the audio enough to block him out, so I gave up. I literally spent four hours trying to make a recording for one post. I might do a few more audio posts in the future, but maybe not one for every post. I’m sorry if I am disappointing anyone.

Okay, on to today’s post.

I am not only my own worst enemy, but I can also be my own worst distraction.

I have the bad habit of writing the same book over and over.

Meaning, I tinker too much with it. A normal person would write the first draft and a few days or weeks later, start on the second draft, which means adding more detail, or taking out the unnecessary words, if you had over written.

Not me. No. I feel the first draft is in too bad a shape (which it’s supposed to be) and start over. Keeping the main plot, but just rewriting everything else. That would explain why it took me over 5 years to publish my first book. I kept writing the same book over and over. You don’t even want to know how many drafts I have of the first book. Okay, I will tell you, over thirty drafts.

The bad news is that I have done it with the second book too. Luckily, I really like where the newest draft is going, and I’m almost halfway through. I actually intend to keep this draft and clean it up, I swear :) Then it’s just a matter of adding more detail and then my rounds of self-editing will commence. I think that will take quite a while too.

The good news is that I now know that I tinker too much on my manuscripts. I should write the first draft and make improvements from there. Don’t write the same damn book over and over. I feel like I can kick myself. Now it’s just a matter of stopping myself when I want to keep changing things.

Do you tinker a lot too?


  1. At least you figured it out before you had thirty first drafts of this book.
    The first draft is the toughest for me, so I am more than happy to dive into edits once it's done.
    And don't kill yourself (and all of your time) trying to do the audio if you don't think it will work. Want me to go all Ninja on that neighbor of yours?

    1. Hey Alex. Thank you. That new neighbor is just selfish. My brother and a few of our other neighbors have talked to him, but he doesn't care. He has small kids by the way, but I guess they are used to sleeping through all the noise. His wife gets quite upset if you mention the noise. Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot.

  2. We all learn by doing, Murees and we make mistakes. But that's okay as long as we learn from them and make progress. Sorry to hear that you're disappointed with your book. That must hurt but continue to enjoy your WIP, learn from old mistakes and I'm sure things will be better.
    Try the audio again at a later date. If it doesn't work for you, then don't do it.
    You are great!! Keep at it :)

    1. Thank you, Nicola. I appreciate the support. I am learning so much.

  3. books come out perfect the first round. Of course!

  4. Producing audio for every post sounds exhausting! Like you said, maybe just do it occasionally.

    Good luck with the second book!

  5. If we never do anything in life we will never make mistakes. Sweet post to let people know. You have a lovely blog. :)

  6. It took me a lot longer than 5 years to publish my first book because I kept rewriting and rewriting and rewriting. And some days I think that I should have kept on rewriting and rewriting instead of publishing. And now, of course, I'm doing the same thing with the second book. So yeah, I know just what you're saying.

    Glad you like where this newest draft is going. May you continue on that happy road!

    1. Thank you, M.J. It's nice to know I'm not the only one.

  7. I don't think anybody is ever happy with their first draft. I typically revise a couple of times, then set the manuscript aside. Six months later, I look at it with fresh eyes, and revise again. That really helps.

    1. Thank you, Sherry. I don't let my manuscript ever rest that long, but perhaps a longer waiting period between drafts is what I need.

  8. Thank you, Karen. I like beating myself up:) I do it without realizing it. I'm definitely human.


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