Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Trying Something New

Don't be shocked, but today I'm trying something new. I have added an audio version of my blog. I have been thinking about it for weeks now, to make things more interesting. I've been attending the Self-Publishing Summit by Chandler Bolt and I really warmed up to the idea  of using audio.

But don't worry, I will still be doing my written posts, so the audio is just another option for those who want it. I have found that if you can listen to a blog post, the time goes faster and it doesn't feel as tiring when you have to read 20 blog posts, say, for a blog hop.

What do you think? Is it a good idea?


  1. It's cool. You have a nice accent. It's a good option.

  2. Great idea, Murees and you certainly have a recording voice. Lovely to listen to. Look forward to hearing more from you.

  3. I'm shocked. I'm shocked. My heart is thudding. *wink*

    You have such a pleasant voice. How'd you like to do the voice for my blog? :)

    1. Haha! Thank you, Mac:) I think your readers might like hearing from you instead:)

  4. Very cool idea! I'm taking a very similar approach to you, except I'll be going over into vlogging.

    I recorded my first video today. :-D

  5. Very cool. And if I had an awesome accent like yours, I'd consider doing the same thing. :)

  6. I haven't listened because I'm sitting with my family, and have no headphones. But it's a cool idea.

  7. This is really cool! I agree with others, your accent is awesome. I give you credit for trying something new like this - I bet it will be a big hit. Great job!

    1. Thank you, Julie. I just wanted to try something new, so I thought why not try something on my blog. So far it's gone good:)

  8. I didn't even know you could do audio blogs, but that's interesting. I don't know if I'd do that for my blog, though; I don't want anyone to recognize my voice. But I like your accent, though!

  9. That's a neat idea! It was interesting to hear you and the post. I also agree that you have a lovely accent. I'm afraid I wouldn't have the time to do this for all of my posts, though. haha

    1. Thank you. I understand. I will probably find it tedious the longer I do it:)

  10. Ooh, what a neat idea. I should try things like this more often to get used to reading my story aloud while editing...

    1. Audacity is a great free piece of software that lets you record. Thank you so much for your support.

  11. Definitely refreshing and different. My issues with audio tends to be that I can read a great deal faster than I can listen, but hey, if things are short, I'm totally in.

    1. Thank you, Crystal. I tend to use less time setting up a regular blog post, than making an audio track, which seems to take hours. I also read faster than I listen:)


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