Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Still a mess

Hello Friends. Thank you so much for the kind words of comfort during this tough time. It has really helped. In truth, I'm still in the process of feeling sorry for myself. But I know I need to start becoming functional again.

I wanted to update my book buying links today and stumbled onto a website that was reposting my blog content. I got in contact with the owners of the site, so I have to wait and see if they take my content down, or what response they give. I just really don't have energy for this kind of crap right now.

So, what has everyone been up to?


  1. Hi Murees - that's terrible .. I'm so sorry for you - I've no idea what I'd do - or what can be done ... but hopefully one of us bloggers will remember some links to help you ...

    All the very best - and with lots of thoughts - Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary. I'm sure I'll get it sorted. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Take your time and don't try to rush yourself. Hope you get the problem worked out with the site you discovered. Sending hugs and good thoughts. :)

  3. Reposting your stuff? That's really lame.
    Hope you find your peace again.

    1. Right? They even posted my picture of my cat too. Yucky! Thanks Alex.

  4. Really? That's crazy! I'm sending cheese your way. You'll get through this and years from now you'll look back and see how incredibly strong you've become. Keep up the fight!

  5. Ugh. Hang in there as best you can. Know that your blogging buddies are sending good vibes your way.

  6. Thank you, Karen. I'm learning how to be upset without picking on myself. It's hard to do, but necessary.

  7. They were just stealing it? Why am I shocked?

    I hope you feel better soon. Hugs.

  8. That's awful that people were reposting your content without permission; unfortunately, that's happened to a lot of people on the Internet. I've seen that on Twitter too: people "borrow" other people's Tweets and pretend that they're the ones who wrote them. It's just wrong, and it makes me angry that it keeps happening. I'm sorry it happened to you.

    1. Thank you. This was the first time this happened to me. It's awful.

  9. So sorry things have been difficult for you, Murees. One good thing about trying times is that they always change so better days are coming. We're all thinking of you.

  10. Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. Hang in there. *hugs*

  11. Horrible things all seem to come at once. Really sorry to hear you're having a tough time at the moment. I'm also shocked to hear about the plagarism that's going on! Sending you a ray of sunshine to help you through the day. Take good care, Murees and know that we are grateful for the inspiration you pass onto us - the IWSG post was great. Thank you!!

  12. That's awful!! I hope their website gets taken down! Is there anyone you can report them to? Hope you're feeling a bit better now, sending you lots of hugs!

  13. Thinking of you and hoping the best for you.
    Finding your content stolen is infuriating isn't it? And sadly not much can be done about it. Hang in there!


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