Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Writing makes it all better (IWSG)

I think I’m a magnet for all kinds of negativity. No matter how positive I try to be, bad things still happen. I think that’s just life. One can’t have things your own way all the time. But, one thing I have noticed is that writing is always there for me. When it feels like my heart is being ripped apart, I can channel it into my writing. Writing is my safe place. It is my home. Even if I write one word for the whole day, which is what I’ve been doing the past few weeks, I feel better for writing that one word instead of not writing at all.

Yes, I suffer from depression. Yes, I’m a pessimist. But writing balances me out. Writing makes everything better even when I think my writing is a form of torture sometimes. Writing enriches my life. I can’t imagine not writing.

How about you?

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the talented Mr. Alex J. Cavanaugh so that writers can share their insecurities and/or encourage others who need support with their own. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.


  1. I love that writing's there for you like that. And even though I spend more time freaking out about it than not freaking out about it, writing is my home, too. I can't imagine not writing either.

    1. Agreed:) I think my life would be boring without writing.

  2. Sometimes, when things get bad, I scribble and scrawl those negative thoughts and feelings across the pages of a notebook. Sometimes, I create a character, a scene, a story using that darkness, that sadness. I usually feel somewhat better when I'm done. Writing is a safe place for me, too.

    1. I like how you channel the sadness. It does help, though.

  3. Great attitude! Just funnel it all into your writing.
    Playing my guitar balances me out even more than writing.

    1. Thanks, Alex. I tried the guitar a few years back, but my fingers wouldn't cooperate.

  4. Right on sister! We must follow our heart and turn those blue days into sunshine!

  5. I feel exactly the same way. Writing has changed my life in ways I never could have imagined.

    1. It's a great feeling, right? I hope it keeps changing your life for the better.

  6. Writing is the best therapy. I hope you become a magnet for good soon.

  7. I've suffered from depression, and writing really saved me too. As long as we keep writing we'll be okay. Hug!

  8. I feel exactly the same way :). I can't ever imagine not writing - it's in my blood. And I do find it therapeutic to sit down and write if I'm having a bad day - it's gives me the time I need to calm down and distract myself.

  9. Hi Murees - that's good to see ... taking the negative and turning it into a positive ... as Mary Pax said .. it's not fighting against yourself, it's working with yourself ... good luck .. cheers Hilary

  10. What a beautiful post! I'm so glad to hear that you're pro-active in finding things that make you feel better. That's so important to be self-aware and realize you're your own best doctor. I wish you lots of enjoyable writing to chase the depression away. :)

  11. I'm not by nature a pessimist, but there are definitely those days. Writing in a journal has always been a powerful outlet for me in that regard, and a way to practice focusing on the good in life. Honestly. I made it a focus for several years and it does wonders. Of course, it takes time and persistence to change our outlook on life, but the new "normal" does eventually stick.

    1. I have worked so hard to lighten up my attitude. I should keep my new attitude instead of letting the depression take over.

  12. Yes, and I love how writing isn't one of those activities that you need a lot of materials for. It's easy to pick up a pen or sit down at a keyboard.

    Keep on funneling!

  13. It's wonderful that writing cheers your spirits no matter what else is happening. Isn't it good all the days aren't depressing ones. :)

  14. I love this! Writing definitely enriches my life, too. :)

  15. I wish I would learn to channel better, because writing is important to me. I had someone I admire and put a lot worth in their opinion make me feel like crap about my writing. Someone who I thought an imaginative and witty writer, but unpublished due to their own angst. I shut down writing for awhile and it has taken at least 5 yrs to get back to where I am, but I write best when I am happy and feeling good. Was not always the case. Anyway so glad you learned how to channel the negative. Now I need to learn that better,

    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

    1. I'm so sorry someone made you feel that bad. It tend to take things far too personally. But I had to learn to let certain things go. Best of luck with your writing.

  16. Writing is there for me. It's therapeutic.

  17. Thank you, Karen. I definitely need the help.

  18. It's wonderful that you've found something (writing) that helps with the depression. Walking helps me. I'm sorry for what you've been going through.

    1. Helping does help me too, but lately I haven't had the will or desire to go walking. Thank you for the kind words.

  19. I think it's brilliant you have writing in your life for those reasons. I love how you phrase that writing balances you out. For me, writing is as important as breathing - simple as.

    1. I think you put it perfectly, "important as breathing." I might just go crazy without it:) Thank you for the nice words.

  20. i agree with u friend on writing..writing is a passion its the all in all..strong lines keep writing murees dupe god love u:))

    1. You are very kind, Adhi. Wishing you many blessings.


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