Tuesday, March 29, 2016

My sales info

Okay folks, here it is. I was asked about my sales, so here goes.

When publishing I went with the e-book and print versions. For e-book I went with Amazon and Draft2Digital. D2D distributes to iBooks, Nook, Inktera, 24 Symbols and Kobo for me, for a fee of course. For print I went with Createspace. 

E-book sales from September 2015 - March 2016
                                                                Units sold                            Royalties
Amazon                                                       9                                        $ 16,84
Draft2Digital                                               6                                        $ 10, 47
Total Roylaties earned                                15                                       $ 27,31

Print book sales August 2015 - March 2016
                                                                Units Sold                            Royalties
Createspce                                                    2                                        $ 2,68

As of 31 December 2015, I had ordered my own books through Createspace to try and sell in South Africa. Mostly because family members and friends wanted to buy copies. I bought the books in 2 batches (December batch and February batch).

First batch December2015 (sold for $12.50 per book in South Africa)

Units Ordered                   Money Spent                     Money earned back
 10                                       $ 110, 49                               $ 125

Second Batch February 2016 (sold for $ 12,50 per book in South Africa)
Units Ordered                    Money Spent                    Money earned back
 13                                       $ 132, 44                                $ $12,50

Here is the numbers of books sold by me in Total

Units  ordered              Units sold            Money spent.          Money earned back
  23                                11                           $242,93                    $ 137, 50

As you can see, I am currently running at a loss of $ 105.43. So I really have to try and sell those remaining books. As all money I make has to go towards editing for the second book, if I can finish it:(

I might have been hasty ordering in the second batch. I think I was a bit overconfident.

So that is it. Let me know if you have any questions. Oh, if you are wondering where I got the money to buy in my own books, I was naughty and spent what I have saved for the editing of my second book.


  1. You could do a book signing somewhere to move those last books.

  2. talking sales depresses me. I'm glad I don't have to rely on them to survive. sigh

    1. I know what you mean. Thank you for popping in anyway.

  3. I like Alex's idea of a book signing. Maybe you could do a raffle or giveaway during the signing? Although, I guess that would cut into profits. Unless you were handy and could make something related to the book, the story, the characters?

  4. Yes, do a book signing and I'll be first, standing in line with my book. That would be fun. I've been to North Africa but never South. (Dream on....my traveling days are over) But thank you for breaking down your book sales. It's great info for anyone publishing a book.

    1. Thank you, Manzanita. You always make me smile. It would've been nice to meet you though.

  5. I also think a book-signing is a cool idea. :-)

    1. Thank you, Misha. I sat down and tried to work it all out. But I don't know how practical that will be. But I will keep brainstorming on how to make it work.

    2. I know what you mean. It's a bit weird to hold a signing when the only part of your audience in-country are your friends and family. (That's my situation anyway. :-D)

    3. That's my situation too! To be honest, most people I've met and asked don't want to pay R 200 for a book, even if it's signed by me.

  6. It looks pretty good so far, to be honest. But I agree with Alex that a signing is the way to go. Do you have a local bookshop who'd take copies? I send people to buy my books at the bookshop, offering the owner 20%, which still puts me in profit.

    1. There is a small used books store. I can ask them. Thank you for the idea:)

  7. Love Annalisa's idea!
    And a book signing is fun too. Just find the right venue!
    Thanks for sharing your details!

    1. Thank you for the support. I hope my info was of help.

  8. Thanks for sharing, Murees. You could also approach high schools/colleges and do an author talk and perhaps approach libraries. Wishing you many more sales!Don't be shy - get out there with your head held high. You have achieved such a great deal! Congratulations.

    1. Thank you. I appreciate the support and ideas. You are awesome.

  9. A book signing sounds like a great way to go. Wish you much success with the event

  10. There was a small, indie bookstore in my old town that did for me what Annalisa was talking about. She also let me do a book signing there. I sold four books at the signing, then she had four of my books in stock that sold pretty quickly. It's definitely something to look into. I'm sure you'll be able to sell those remaining books with no trouble.

  11. Call local independently owned book sellers and gift shops. They may take a few on consignment.

    I think those numbers are pretty decent for a first book. We have a lot of competition to contend with.

  12. Hi Murees - it's great you've kept records and have some ideas here to market your book - and all the time as people for ideas ... selling locally .. cheers and good luck - then on to finishing off your next ... Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary. I definitely have to hurry up with book two;)

  13. Hi Murees, this is such a cool post. I also like the idea of a book signing, and I just know you're going to sell the other copies of your book. My debut novel actually is going to be released today. This post and others like it really interest me, and I think it's great that you were willing to share your sales info. I'm still trying to figure out how to market my book. I decided to go the KDP Select route for my first book, really haven't a clue if I'm making the right choices, but I'm trying my best. I hope you are well, and I wish you so much success!
    Ninja Girl

    1. Thank you, Ninja Girl. Congratulations! Don't worry, I know you will do well. You can always add your book to more distributors after your 90 days with KDP Select runs out. Good-luck.

  14. If I lived nearby, I would go to your booksigning! And I think that just the fact that you wrote and published a book is impressive; a lot of people don't even get that far.

    1. Thank you, NW. It would've been great to meet you:)

  15. I think the book signing idea is a great one! I hope you are able to work something out. I would go if I lived closer. :)

    And don't feel bad about ordering too many, I know you're not alone there as I did the same thing and have a box of books I would love to be able to sell. Too bad we don't live on the same continent - maybe we could do something together and solve our mutual problem.

    1. Thank you, Julie. If we did live closer I would've loved to have an event with you. You are amazing! Don't worry, as I know you will sell those remaining books.

  16. Murees, have you thought about approaching a school and doing a talk for learners interested in writing? You could get a questionnaire/survey for the leraners and eventually offer a workshop...or start a beginner's writing group or something similar...as a sideline income. It's worth investigating.
    You never know...
    Writer In Transit

    1. Very true. I'm not really good at public speaking. Also, I'm not sure I want to teach. But it's something to think about. Thank you.

  17. Thanks for sharing, Murees. Someday I'll have to be brave and put my numbers out there. 2014 was my worst year, but last year I had a few zero sales months and I made an overconfident decision to buy a few boxes of books before a huge book festival . . . which was pretty much rained out. I still have too many books in my basement, and I'm behind by $160 or so. However, I'm still hopeful. My teaching earns me a bit of money, but I've been looking to branch out somehow . . . editing? teaching more classes? I'm not sure.

    1. I know you will sell those books. No doubt. Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone. I just hope showing my sales has been useful to someone.

  18. I suspect that the editing of your second book, which I'm sure you'll finish, will cost less than the editing of your first book. You're an experienced author now. You know more about the "writing rules."


    1. Thank you, Janie. I don't know about experienced:) But I definitely look forward to the day I finish it.


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I am alive and well. Life keeps going on.  I've started re-formatting the e-book of the Executioner (my 2nd fantasy book in my Thelum se...