Thursday, January 21, 2016

A new phase

A few weeks ago I turned 30. Extended family all wanted to know how I would celebrate.  They all expected to be invited to a big bash, as I'm the youngest in my family. But nope. I didn't go the big party route. Instead, I opted for a quiet day spent with my closest family.

Turning 30 meant that I was in a new phase of my life. That I had to start appreciating every moment more and that I had to stop people pleasing. I had to start doing things for me. And . . . that is exactly what I did. With the help of my siblings, I finally got some new ink.

My new piece of art

Definitely my idea of starting the year off with a bang. I wanted to get a second tattoo for so long. To top things off, me and my two sisters are going off for a girls-only holiday next week. I know it's going to be fun.

How did, or would you celebrate a big birthday?


  1. I prefer to hide and pretend the birthday didn't happen...

    1. My family won't let me get away with it. But you're lucky that you can:)

  2. No big bashes for me, either. I prefer quiet activities, like walking on the beach with my husband or us watching a marathon of favorite movies with yummy food, or curling up with a great read. Yes, I am an old fuddy-duddy. :)

    1. You're not a fuddy-duddy at all! A movie marathon with great food is brilliant! I did that last year:) It was great.

  3. I spend most of my birthdays with my husband. Nice and quiet. YET, I love to cater for the big parties I insist he has each year :) I got my first tattoo (my only tattoo, I might add - to date) in my thirties. I was visiting my mom in England and we had a girlie day out shopping. We just happened to pass a tattoo studio and decided there and then to go in. We both came out 'inked'. It was a lot of fun and our husbands said we can never go out on a girlie day again :):) I had a blue rose on my shoulder - this was the first flower my husband ever bought me and my mom had a small butterfly on her ankle. Have a fantastic time on your girls only holiday!!!

    1. Thank you! I tried to get my mom to go with me, but she refused:) A blue rose sounds beautiful. It has meaning to you, which is always important. Your girlie days out sound like fun.

  4. Love the new ink!! I want some more too. I've never had a big birthday party. I much prefer quiet ones. I like parties, but not when I'm centre of attention :-) I'm glad you were able to celebrate the way you wanted to.

    1. Thank you, Annalisa! I like quiet birthdays too. But my family aren't big on "quiet" anything:)

  5. I'm too old to consider doing anything new on birthdays :)

  6. Look nice! I hope you have fun with your sisters. :-)

    I pretty much never celebrate my birthday. It's at a terrible time of the year to do anything.

    1. Awe! That's sad. You being born is definitely something to celebrate:)

  7. Hi Murees - congratulations on the 30 ... you're welcome to a few of my years ... I'll happily send them south! The ink looks amazing .. but is not something I'd do - even in my tender years! But going away fora few days with family will be so much fun - enjoy ... and I'll be in the cold thinking about you!! Cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary! You are welcome to the heat here:) There is plenty to spare. Also, I don't mind a few more years if you want to send me some:) Take care.

  8. Love your tattoo! I think it's great you're so self-assured and are making the most of life. I love celebrating birthdays, but not with huge parties - just those nearest and dearest to me :). I'd love a tattoo but I'm too afraid to get one ;)! Hope you have a lovely holiday - you deserve it!

  9. I prefer a quiet birthday with my hubby, son and possibly some close family and I am definitely not brave enough to get a tattoo, but your's looks great. I hope you have a brilliant holiday with your sisters and happy belated birthday too.

    1. Thank you! Quiet birthdays are just the greatest:)

  10. I hope your birthday was fun, Murees. I like spending time with my husband and sons. We usually go out to eat or we'll get something and eat at home.

    1. Thank you, Deanie. The day was good. We also just eat out, or buy something and stay home.

  11. I've never had large birthday celebrations. The first birthday I had after I moved here to Florida, one of my son's friends cooked dinner for me and baked a delicious cake. My son was there, the hostess and her husband, and her parents. That's the only birthday party I've had since I had a few small parties as a youngster. I'm used to not having parties or celebrations, so it's fine. I don't like large groups of people.


    1. Wow, Janie. Your birth definitely needs celebrating. But I understand you not liking a lot of people around you. I feel exactly the same way. I get overwhelmed very easily.

  12. I don't celebrate my birthdays. I basically hide until they're over and for a little bit longer after that, just in case. But I do let my significant other buy me a big box of books. He doesn't know he did it until he gets the bill, but that's always part of the fun...

    Love the new tattoo, and enjoy that girls-only holiday!!

    1. Thank you! My family won't let me hide. My siblings are mean like that:) I like your idea of the books for your birthday. That is brilliant:)

  13. It sounds like you had a great day! I have done both the big bashes and the small quiet days. My last "big" bash was my 33rd birthday. I didn't have a big 30th, so I decided 33 would be a great time to celebrate - 1/3 of a century almost, right? Anyway, after 40 people came and left, I decided it was definitely fun but I wanted to do something smaller . . . so other than a birthday in the park (barefoot in the park) with a bunch of people for my 40th, I've stuck to small type birthdays - dinner and a movie with family.
    Hope you have fun on that holiday!

    1. Sorry - I commented from my teacher e-mail account . . . sigh. It's just me - usually at

    2. Thank you! We will:) Like you I prefer small parties, or celebrations. Dinner and a movie definitely sounds like me as well:) No worries about which account you commented from. I don't mind:)

  14. The girl-only holiday sounds like a lot of fun! My birthday was quiet but filled with the people I love--which is exactly how I like it. No complaints here. And hey, happy late birthday, and congrats on the new ink!
    Ninja Girl

    1. Thank you! Quiet birthdays are definitely my preferred option too.

  15. Cool tattoo! It's pretty. I've thought about getting a tattoo before, maybe just a four-leaf clover or musical notes or something, but I'm squeamish about the pain. And I can understand not wanting a big party; I never liked big parties either.

  16. Pretty!!! And huge. You went all out. It's so funny--I dreamed last night that I got a tattoo...which was cool until later I realized I'd gotten tattoos all over my face and neck. I was covered in them. And then I started thinking about "Dr. Tattoff" in L.A. (a guy who used to be on Big Brother named Dr. Will) and how he removes tattoos with lasers and I was wondering how much it would hurt to get tattoos removed on your face. My dreams are weird!

    1. Thank you. The tattoo artist also freaked when I showed him the size. Apparently, having the tattoos removed hurts more than getting them done. Don't worry, I keep having weird dreams too. Like the reoccurring dream where I have to write a maths exam, but I hadn't studied. I have that one a lot:)

  17. This is such a great way to celebrate your birthday!

  18. I'm not a big party person either. A quiet day with family sounds great to me. And kudos to you for doing what YOU wanted instead of worrying about pleasing everyone else. I know how hard that can be. Happy, Happy birthday and here's to a great year ahead for you. :)

    1. Thank you! Doing what I want is always hard, but I'm so glad I did.

  19. For my 30th, I had just moved to Florida with 3 little kids and my family was on the other side of the country. Leading up to the day I was really sad, but then my husband decided to surprise me and flew my mom into to town. That was an unforgettable b-day.

  20. I'm all for choosing your own celebration! Me, I would take a trip.

  21. That looks neat! I have a dragonfly tattoo I want to add to. :)

    1. Wonderful! I'm thinking of getting a phoenix next:)

  22. let all ur dreams bloom to reality to light ur life.. keep writing reading and live love laugh.. enjoy each moment but don't forget to love n care those who need u... age is just a number at any age u can be at ur best u can u will. long live belated birthday wishes to a wonderful friend.God love u n best prayers:))


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