Monday, January 18, 2016

Dropping labels and ouchies!

Hey friends! How are you doing? I'm good.

Last week I had to go for more blood tests, with regards to my autoimmune disease. It wasn't too bad. But now I have an ugly ouchie on my arm. It looks way worse than it feels:)

Ouchie on my arm

I'm starting the new year off on a very serious note. Last week I decided to no longer put labels on myself. I love being a writer, but I want to be more than just that. I want to have fun this year. Just because I might take up more hobbies and try and do more, doesn't mean that I don't take my writing seriously. I love writing. But I also like taking photos, doing crafts and who knows, maybe there are other things I want to do as well. 

Why am I getting so serious? Because writing is no longer just for fun, or a hobby. I now look at it as my job. As my profession and I really want to succeed at being a full-time writer. So, now I have to do something fun to provide balance, hence the above mentioned fun things:)

So, that is it from me. How are you doing?


  1. Eek! That looks like it hurts.

    I think all forms of creativity feed each other. I'm aiming for that for myself this year - taking cooking classes, art classes, using all of my senses, just being more aware of color and texture and the world around me. :)

    1. Haha! It doesn't hurt:) I like that we had the same thought. Here is to both of us having a creative year. Good-luck!

  2. I'm glad the ouchie looks worse than it feels because it looks like it hurts a lot!

    And I agree with Madeline—all forms of creativity help the other. So by engaging in those other hobbies, you'll only make your writing better. And balance is always important. Have fun!!

    1. Thanks M.J. I actually look forward to doing a few other things to give my mind a break from worrying about my writing.

  3. Hi Murees - that looks rather nasty - glad it's not so bad ... but spreading your wings with your creativity will give those extras to your writing ... that's great news - cheers Hilary

  4. That ouchie looks like it will be more colorful yet, meaning it will probably turn yellow
    as it heals. You'll be a rainbow of colors and beautiful hobbies. LOL

  5. That makes sense to me! We have to have a creative outlet that isn't for anything more than just fun.
    Sorry about your arm.

  6. my love IS my writing, thank goodness. Having the pups around is gravy. ha ha

  7. I always bruise when I get my blood taken. Ouch!

    Not restricting ourselves with labels is a great idea. We have so much more to offer.

    1. Agreed. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that bruises badly:)

  8. Ouch! Hope your arm feels better soon! I love the fact that you're not going to restrict yourself :) - I'm also going to use this year to look at my writing as being my profession, not just a hobby. Here's to a super creative year for you :)!

    1. Thank you, Rachel! Hope you have a great year too.

  9. Ooh, that's a big ouchie! Hope it's not too sore.

    I think I might have to take up a hobby. I was talking to my optician today - I'd already told him I was a writer when he asked me about hobbies... Er, writing? I have to get into my head that writing is a job, too, and something else has to be the hobby, or I'll spend all my time with a pen in my hand! looks like we have the same goal this year :-)

    1. Yay! I'm not the only one. Finding a new hobby is hard, but I know we can both do it.

  10. I get ugly ouchies very easily. People screech, What happened to you? I mumble, Oh, I probably bumped into something. We just keep going, don't we? I hope you know you are dear to me.


    1. Thank you, Janie! You are wonderful. Yep, we just keep pushing on:)

  11. Isn't it crazy how that changes? That's why I always tell people who aren't published yet to just write for fun and love every second of it.

    (I hope your ouchie heals up quickly.)

    1. Thank you. Yes, the fun is the most important part.

  12. I am always a better writer, and writing more, when I am doing non-writing creative things. Sadly, my new work schedule allows for nothing creative, hence this is even my first time sitting down to read my favorite blogs in weeks! Glad to see you are being proactive in both your writing and your health!

    1. Thank you! Sorry your schedule is so hectic:( Wishing you well.

  13. Hope your arm is better. Labels tend to slow us down sometimes.

    1. Thank you. I absolutely agree. Labels do slow us down. Have a great week:)


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