Monday, November 30, 2015

Getting personal . . . How much do you read a day?

"If you don't have time to read, you don't have time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that." - Stephen King.

Hey! I like Stephen King. But I feel like he's talking about me in the above quite. I enjoy reading. I love writing. But how much does one need to read a day for it to be considered reading? The past few months I've decided to keep my reading for bedtime. Because it's so late, I don't end up reading a lot. Maybe a few pages, sometimes a whole chapter. Do you think that's enough? I do.

I bring this up because me and my cousin have been talking about books. We don't read the same authors, but she reads a lot more than me, even though she has an actual day job. She probably averages a book a day, while I probably read a book a month. I know, know! I can feel you rolling your eyes at me. But is reading a book a month acceptable for a writer?

Well, I have a reason for it. When I write, I don't read books in my genre. Mostly non-fiction. However, when I edit, I can read anything I like without it competing or messing with my own ideas/ creativity. When editing, I tend to read a lot more, than when I'm writing.

So, how much time do you spend reading a day? Am I a bad reader? Let me know.

Exciting news!
Everyone who leaves a comment on this post will be entered into a draw and one person will win an e-book of The Amaranthine, by yours truly. Just mention in the comment whether you would like an E-pub or Mobi version. The winner will be announced on Thursday. Good-luck!


  1. I read at about the same pace as you. Does reading blogs and online material count?

    1. I hope it does count. But I guess King means books. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone on the reading front. Every writer I know reads way more than me:) I thought maybe I was slacking.

  2. Hey, I think if you're making the effort to read (how ever many pages you might get through in a day) that it counts. You're not slacking. And I'm not just saying that because I'm way below my normal book-reading average. I don't tend to read a lot in my own genre, either, for the same reason you mentioned above.

    Oh, and MOBI, please! :)

    1. Thanks M.J. for putting me at ease. I like that you don't read too much in your genre for the same reason as me. Yay, I'm not weird! Got your entry. Good-luck!

  3. I don't know that there's a magic number of books or certain number of hours etc. I usually read 1-2 books a week, but it really depends on the length and depth of the book, what else is going on in my life, etc. I do have to say though, that if I don't read for at least a little while every day, I get cranky. :)

    Hmm, I have a Kindle app so whatever version works with that, please. :)

    1. Wow, yes, I should definitely learn from you. Up to two books a week? Wow. Thank you for entering the draw:)

  4. Hi Murees - I'm not a great book reader, but I do read a great many other things .. blogs, articles etc I'd like to read a great many more books, but I find I don't do other things ... just don't know ... at least you're reading ... and not being idle - that's the main thing ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you Hilary. That's exactly how I see it:) I read other things too. Certain articles are very entertaining.

  5. I wish I had more time to read. I only manage a couple hours a day.

    1. Couple of hours is still more than me:) Great job.

  6. Thank you, Karen. I don't like comparing myself to others either. But I still find it hard to process when someone suggests that I'm doing something wrong, like not reading enough. I need to learn to just shake it off:) Thank you for the encouragement.

  7. You're not a bad reader, sweetheart. Reading is a joy and a privilege, but not something you should feel forced to do. When I'm editing, I'm also reading the book, so it can take me a long time to get through other books. Please read because it makes you happy, and not because you have to do so. Stephen King is not in charge of the world. He may be very successful, but I've only read one of his books, and that was many years ago. I've also read one book by Murees Dupe. I doubt if I'll ever read another book by Stephen King, but I'll be delighted to read more books by Marvelous Murees.


  8. I go in spurts with my reading. Sometimes I read a book a week. Others a book a month. But, like Junie, it all depends on how busy I am writing, working, living my life, etc. Does your cousin have a job where she can read at work? That might be why she is reading more than you. When I work the early morning shift I usually have quite a bit of time to sit and read before it gets busy. I don't think there is any one right amount to read.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. Your words cheered me up. I think my cousin is just a fast reader:)

  9. Dear Sweet Murees, I bet you ARE a reader. You seem wise from all the reading you do.
    Good eyes, too, I would think. My eyes are very weak and I have to limit my reading. although I try to read a little each evening. I still haven't finished your book but I do enjoy your writing. Other than that, I don't usually read fiction because my lifetime is limited but then perhaps it is the same for even younger people. LOL
    Take care of yourself

    1. Thank you, Manzanita! I read at night too. I have reading glasses now. I can't read without those. But I try to read whenever I can. Time is always against me. Thank you so much for buying my book!

  10. Don't give me the free book--I buy all the books I read. Gotta support my fellow authors! I learned that from Alex Cavanaugh when he made the same request and I liked it, so I stick with it!

    As for reading every day--let me just tell you what I think of that. If you were a multi-millionaire as I assume Stephen King is (or even a hundred thousandaire, for that matter!), you'd have time to read every day. All he has to do is write fiction and read fiction. Seriously. His children are grown and he doesn't really do all that much promotional stuff...maybe a TV interview or a week or two overseas every now and then to promote a new release. So I don't really think he's in a place to tell a person who is raising a family, dealing with a full-time job, and trying to squeeze in time to write in between, right? That's the sort of thing that annoys me. I don't think any writer has the right to say "If you don't do this, you don't have what it takes." That sort of talk makes me angry! That said, I squeeze in about 45 minutes of reading a day while on my treadmill...maybe five days a week? I try to strive for that, anyway! I get four to five books a month in and I think that's pretty good.

    1. You are amazing! I love what you said. I don't feel so bad about my reading now. Thank you for cheering me up. I always support my fellow writers too:) It's the thing to do. Thanks again.


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