Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Don't be afraid (IWSG)

Thank you so much to Alex, his co-hosts and the entire IWSG team for having made 2015 such a great year. You guys are amazing. 

Today I'm not going to share my insecurities, even though I have plenty. Instead, I want to encourage everyone to embrace who they are, as a person and writer. Don't be like me, afraid of everything. Be proud to be a writer. Be proud to be yourself. Just when I think I'm comfortable being myself, someone mentions something I don't want to hear and my confidence as a person and writer goes crashing down. Please, don't let others change who you are. Be you. Unafraid and unashamed.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the talented Mr. Alex J. Cavanaugh so that writers can share their insecurities and/or encourage others who need support with their own. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.


  1. Hi Murees - well said, yes we just need to be who we are ... good for you ... it's practising this and it becomes easier ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary. I should definitely practice saying no when people want to change me. I rather like myself. I have to remember that.

  2. That's right! Don't let others knock us to the ground.

  3. I would recommend studying up on setting boundaries and learning to detach from those around you. It's very hard, but important, that we find a way to center ourselves in our own emotions and not get caught up in trying to make everyone else happy (or letting others affect our feelings too much). I think that could really help you build your confidence because it sounds like toxic people may be the cause of your issues...

    1. Fantastic suggestion. I definitely need to learn to set boundaries. Thank you for the kind and encouraging words.

  4. I can so relate to what you are dealing with, I tend to be afraid of everything. I hope you can take your own wonderful advice and embrace who you are! You deserve that.

    1. Thank you, Julie! I really want to be myself. I think I deserve it too.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Juneta. I hope to stand my ground and be myself from here on out.

  6. Such excellent advice. I have 5 brothers and for years I was petrified by the thought of stepping out of the lines they painted as acceptable. But I did. Guess what? They didn't even say anything. *shrugs* I think sometimes we build our own cages.

    1. You were very brave. I've stepped out of line only to have my entire family jump down my throat. But sometimes one just has to be oneself, regardless of the cost. Thank you, Crystal.

  7. Very well said Murees. You made me feel really darn good about myself. I wish the same for you. Erika

    1. Thank you, Erika. So glad I could help:) Thank you for stopping by.

  8. Cowards die many times before their death the valiant tastes of death only just once!so much of motivation from your side inspiring us to take life as it comes fearlessly!! God give all the success in your endeavors!! Murees Dupe thanks for the advice:)

  9. I'm a big chicken and have to push myself out of the nest, so to speak, a lot of the time. I also think being comfortable in your own skin is definitely something to strive toward. I'll let you know when I get there myself. :)

    1. I'm with you on being a chicken. But I think being comfortable in our own skin is definitely attainable for us both. We can do it.

  10. Here's my little secret:

    1) Stop asking other people's opinions.
    2) When people give opinions you don't want to hear either mentally or literally ask: "I'm sorry, but did I ask your opinion?" Literally asking this might make people think you're turning into a b-tch, but did you ask their opinion on that? No. So screw 'em..

    Once you take on that kind of mentality, it's a lot easier to not let haters get you down.

    1. Thank you, Misha! That is great advice. I have to open my mouth if I want things to change:)

  11. Thanks for the encouragement!
    I have to say that I'm braver now. Not as scared as I used to be.

    1. You are welcome! It's fantastic! Keep up that confidence:)

  12. Great advice! Hard to follow. It's so hard not to be taken down by others. But we've got this.

    1. Thanks. It's definitely hard, but I believe we can do it. We just have to be kinder to ourselves first:)

  13. I can so related to this (as you well know ;)!) - great advice, I hope you follow your own advice in the future too :)! You have so much to be proud of, don't you dare let anyone think you're worthless because you're amazing :)! You've got this, Murees!

    1. Thank you so much! I have to take my own advice. I really do. It's time for a change. Thank you, Rachel:)

  14. Great advice! Most of the time, going for your dreams in spite of the doubts is the way to make them happen. I know I have a lot of insecurities pop up when well-meaning people say something like "It's difficult to get something published," or "it's nice but you should try adding..."(fill in your favorite trope.) Weiting in spite of others' opinions is a challenge, no doubt. Keep going!

    1. Thank you. I'm definitely going to keep going. I hope you push on regardless of what others say as well. Thank you so much for the encouragement:)

  15. Excellent. I couldn't have said it better myself :)


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