Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Drastic measures

I have been stuck with book 2 for ages now. I've read many of my fellow bloggers say that book 2 can be the hardest book to write and I had disagreed then, but I agree now. Fresh ideas were simply eluding me.

So, I did the only thing I could do. I started over. Yes. I tossed my rewrites aside this weekend and decided to do the crazy thing and start the story over . . . from scratch. Since doing that, I've been spoiled for choice with possible story ideas. Granted, the story is going in a completely different direction than my original outline. But I think this might be for the best. Who knows, maybe some scenes from the original might just be salvageable.


  1. Sometimes that's the best thing to do.
    I had a story in mind for my second book and wrote it quickly. My third one was my troubled spot.

    1. Thank you for the support. I hope the third one won't be trouble too:)

  2. The key

    .......write because you enjoy writing.

    Every word doesn't have to be perfect.

    .......throw out those sentences that make you want to barf.

  3. You're much more confident now, Murees! Good job. You'll come up with just the right ideas.

  4. I think this sounds amazing :)! Sometimes admitting something is wrong and starting over can be the hardest thing, but I have no doubt the new version of book 2 will be all the better for it :). I love the fact that the creative juices are now flowing for you - go you!! I might have to follow your example for my own sequel ;)

    1. Thank you, Rachel! It feels strange to actually be writing again. But I'm so happy that I'm finally writing.

  5. I think book 2 was the easiest one for me. It's book 3 that's giving me trouble. I know the reasons why and just need to get over them, but I feel your pain.

    1. Thank you, Crystal. It's a relief to know I'm not the only one that struggles. I hope book 3 works out well for you.

  6. Good for you. Sounds like you're on the right track. I may need to do the same thing for my sequel. It's going nowhere fast. Enjoy the story and best of luck to you.

    1. Thank you! I hope your sequel works out great for you as well. You can do it.

  7. Just keep writing! That's all that really matters. Book 2 will be ready when it is ready.

  8. Sounds like you did the right thing! Best of luck with the rest of the writing.

    1. Thank you, Julie. I really hope so. Starting over is very scary:) But it needed to be done.

  9. Hi Murees - good luck with this new write (not even re-write) ... how fascinating the story is taking you off in a different direction ... keep going with it - new ideas and thoughts will occur .. cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary. It is actually exciting to be on an adventure of my own, even if it is only in my mind. But so far so good:) Thank you for the kind words:)

  10. That reminds me of an old saying: "No matter how far you've gone in the wrong direction, turn back!" Too often we'll say, "I've put all this time in, I have to keep going." But it doesn't matter if it's not working! Plus, no writing is wasted writing because with each word, we become better and more confident.

    1. I agree, Stephanie. I believe things can only get better for this story here on out. Thank you for the encouragement.

  11. I think you did the right thing, and you might even be able to use some stuff from the rewrites in another story later on. Sometimes starting from scratch can be refreshing; in a way, it gives you something to look forward to, because everything's new again.

    1. Thank you very much for the encouragement. That is a great way of looking at it. Starting over does make me feel excited, but also relieved:)

  12. Anything that gets you writing and excited about your story again is a good thing. Good luck with it :-)

    1. Thank you! The excitement is definitely returning:)

  13. That sounds terrifying and exciting all at the same time. Good luck!

    1. Thank you! It is very scary. Starting over definitely isn't for the faint hearted:)

  14. I've started over from scratch and it turned out to be the best idea I could've made. Good luck, Murees!

    1. Thank you. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who resorted to starting over:) But we have to do what we have to do:P

  15. Sometimes stepping back and starting over is the best move. Best wishes with Book 2!


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