Wednesday, November 4, 2015

So what? (IWSG)

Book 2 hasn't been playing along. It's in worse shape than when I initially started. Is that even possible? Apparently. But, so what? Every book is different, or at least for me it is. This book might take a little longer to whip into shape, but I can do it.

I have noticed that we writers tend to be way too hard on ourselves. Maybe because we have this idea that everything should be perfect, or at least, our writing should be perfect. While achieving that idea of perfection, we drive ourselves crazy, literally. "My writing is terrible." "I'm a failure." And we believe those lies. All because our writing doesn't want to work out how we want it, at that moment.

I don't know about you, but I think we should give ourselves a bit of a break. Yes, our first drafts are a mess, but the second and third won't be. Next time you find yourself freaking out, ask yourself "so what?" So what if I can't find the right word for this sentence now, I will later.

Have a great day, everyone.

The Insecure Writers Support Group was created by the talented Mr. Alex J. Cavanaugh so that writers can share their insecurities and/or encourage others who need support with their own. You can visit Alex Here, or if you want to join us in discussing our insecurities on the first Wednesday of each month, you are welcome to join by going Here.


  1. Hi Murees - well done ... sounds like you've learnt a lot from your first book ... and you will whip the 2nd into shape .. cheers Hilary

  2. Excellent advice! We do need to give ourselves a break, at least from time to time - being a perfectionist is exhausting. :)

    1. Agreed. Being perfect is a full-time job in itself:) I'm glad I could cheer you up.

  3. When I'm writing, I have to work hard to turn of the perfectionist in me.

    1. Me as well. I think it's getting worse for me to think straight and not analyze everything every second.

  4. Yes! I completely agree. When we put the pressure on, that's when the muse runs away--because who can handle that kind of weight?

    1. Very true. My muse is already a moody cow as is. I better stop ticking her off more than usual:)

  5. When starting out, my mentor often told me to stop being such a perfectionist. She told me I tried too hard. It was only when I relaxed and stopped being so darn pernickity that my stories were allowed to shine. Great post Murees and I totally agree with you. Have a super November and lots of fun with all editing projects :)

    1. Thank you! Your mentor sounds awesome. I've been told I try too hard as well. A lot actually, in various aspects of my life, now that I think about it.) I'm definitely working on being more flexible in my writing. Thank you for sharing your experience with me:)

  6. We're our own worst critics. We'd never treat other writers so poorly. Hey, let's give ourselves a break! Keep on keeping on, Murees!

    1. Thank you! You are so right. Cheers to that break!

  7. So what? It's a great thing to say every now and then. Great advice.

  8. I agree with you. Us writers are hard on ourselves, but really shouldn't be. Well, except for me. Having nothing published and tons of writing half finished or ignored, I can't imagine I'll ever do anything worthwhile. Sometimes I think I shouldn't even be calling myself a writer, I shouldn't even....
    OH geez! I see what you mean. There I go being all hard on myself again.
    So I'm still writing that YA series I started 30 years ago. So what? I'll finish it. I just need to be serious about it. And I need to believe I can do it. And I do think I can.

    1. Of course you will do something worthwhile. And you can most definitely do it. Choose one project and try and finish it, by writing just a few words a day. It all adds up in the end. But don't give up. If you write, you are a writer:) Don't doubt that, or allow anyone to tell you any different.

  9. as a writer we got to keep on improving...Read read and keep on reading, write write and keep on writing if we want to be a better writer.Greetings and prayers :))

  10. Great tip! I live in fear that my next paragraph will be the one that takes my book in the wrong direction and there will be no coming back from it. But you can always backtrack and rewrite.

    1. Very true. At the moment I have the same fear. Taking my story in the wrong direction. But you are right. That is what rewriting is for:)

  11. Sage advice, Murees. Your post really resonated with me. I'm one of those people who will agonize for hours over one sentence. I need to learn to say "So what," and move on. You're right. It'll come later. Though intellectually I know this, it's tough to overcome my Type-A personality flaws. Guess I'd better buck up, LOL.

    1. You are welcome. I'm glad I could help:) Don't worry, I obsess a lot over my writing too:)

  12. Sorry I'm late commenting been trying to NaNo. So wonderful you have something to rewrite. You will get it. I am having a few of those heavy insecurities myself lately, but I'm still hanging in for the moment,

    1. Thank you for the support. It's good that you're still hanging in there and not giving up. Hoping things improve for you soon.

  13. Great advice, Murees! Exactly what I needed to hear :) - I keep putting off working on my first draft because I still have that idea of perfection in my head - but like you said, if we can't find the right words now, we will later. There's no rush :). Have a lovely evening!

    1. Thank you. Don't worry, I'm afraid of my first draft too. But I know I have to face it sometime:)

  14. Great ideas, Murees. You know in your heart that the more you write the better it will be and the more comfortable it would be. I can tell you're feeling somewhat more confident and that's good.

  15. Some books are like that. They make us appreciate the ones that come together easier :)

    1. You are so right! I think when I get to book 3 I will maybe have a better idea of what to expect:)

  16. "... if I can't find the right word for this sentence now, I will later."
    Thanks for the reminder.
    Now if I could get my internal editor to stop being a pest... *sigh*

    1. I know! And what a pest it can be. My internal editor is forever chiming in:) Best of luck.

  17. I think perfection is highly overrated...especially when it comes to writing. In fact, if a book is too perfect, it won't have any heart.

    1. I love that! You are so right. When things are too perfect its kind of boring and bland:)

  18. I just noticed you put your picture up! I love it!

    1. Thank you! I thought it was time I took a chance.

  19. I'm in the midst of a project that's been driving me bonkers because I think I keep making it worse. I totally understand how you feel. Best of luck!

    1. Thank you! I'm sure you're not making it worse. Don't give up.


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