Thursday, November 19, 2015


Hello friends. How is everyone doing? Well, I hope. 

November hasn’t been such a good month for me. We had some family drama, then my aunt died, making my mom the last of her family. Also, I was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. I’m still undergoing various tests to figure out which one exactly. I’ve had problems with my hands, especially my fingers for months and I was referred to a rheumatologist and I finally got an appointment yesterday. I still don’t know how I feel about having an autoimmune disease, possibly rheumatoid arthritis.

It’s just been an emotional three weeks and I was too much of a mess to keep up with blogging, or my other social media obligations. But I hope everyone is doing good. 


  1. Glad to see your back, but so sorry to hear your aunt. You're in my prayers. At least you're on the step to finding out what's ailing you so that you can find a resolution.

  2. I'm sorry to hear you've been getting so much bad news! Praying for you.

  3. It's hard to do when so much is going on, but please take care of yourself the best you can. Hang in there!

  4. Oh dear, sorry to hear all your bad news. Good to see you back, though. Take care x

  5. So sorry, Murees. You might ask your doctor about changes in diet. I've heard certain foods reduce inflammation. Hope you feel better soon.

  6. ((( Murees )))
    I hope you get a diagnosis and treatment plan soon.

  7. They say, "Into each life a little rain must fall,' sorry you got a big downpour all at once. It's
    sad that your aunt died and I hope you are getting good treatment . There has to be a rainbow
    coming. Take care, my dear.


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