Saturday, September 26, 2015

Mesothelioma Awareness Day

Today is Mesothelioma Awareness Day and a special lady, Heather Von St. James, is celebrating her 10 year cancer-free anniversary. Congratulations! You can read her story hereHeather could’ve celebrated this milestone in a million ways and all she asked was for me to make others aware of what Mesothelioma is. 

So what is Mesothelioma? 
It is a type of cancer caused by being exposed to asbestos fibers. Asbestos fibers just so happens to be invisible to the naked eye. The scary part is that it can affect anyone. So many old buildings still contain asbestos. My neighbors across the street still have an asbestos roof. For more info on Mesothelioma, please go here

Heather is such a remarkable woman, who looked cancer in the eye and beat it. She is a wife and mother, who wants to save as many lives as she can by making others aware of this disease. 

I wish her so much happiness and further years of great health. 


  1. Hi Murees - good post highlighting Heather's plight ... she is certainly so plucky. Yes South Africa certainly used lots of asbestos, as did we in the UK ... thankfully organisations are much more aware about asbestos now and if we as people are .. that should help too. Well done on posting and cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary. Heather is wonderful. I hope more people know how bad asbestos is for you:)

  2. So happy Heather made it through. I have heard a lot about asbestos over the years and I'm glad they figured out it was unsafe when they did.

    1. I agree. I used to play in a backyard littered with the stuff. We didn't know asbestos was poisonous until a few years ago. Heather is an amazing woman and without a doubt, a fighter.


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