Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Getting back and workloads

I am finally back to blogging after being on my promotional tour. Thank you again to everyone who helped me spread the word. It was definitely an amazing feeling having so many people help me. I didn't have to bribe anyone, honest:)

Having my book out in the world is a lot less stressful than I thought it would be. I'm not temped to check my sales regularly, or my author rank and so forth. I simply don't care about that right now. I set a goal for myself and I achieved it. Everything else is a plus. Work on book 2 is currently stalled. Though I'm not currently working on it, it hasn't stopped me from jotting down a few ideas. At the moment the book is at 66 000 words. Book one was closer to 90 000 words. So, I feel book 2 needs at least 12 000 more. I have a few scenes I had been holding back, and the experts say never to hold anything back for the next book.

I googled my book, just to make sure there aren't any pirate copies out there, and I kept stumbling onto sites that are apparently giving a PDF version of my book away for a free download. I know I should be freaking out, but I'm just trying my best not to have it stress me. In the modern day you can try and control everything, but things like this will happen. I can try to get those sites to stop, but tomorrow there are just three more. I have no idea how I'm being so calm.

My workload on the day-job front has increased exponentially. My brother is coming closer and closer to the deadline of his PhD and because I'm the one responsible for the data, a lot of stress falls on me. I have actually done all my bit already, but brother (the saint that he is) trusted his students with a large amount of data and now . . . I need to breathe, or I will freak out. . . I have to go back over everything they have done and do it right. They didn't do as they were told and now . . . I'm doing their work as well. But such is life, right?

What are you up to these days? Do tell.


  1. You sound way calmer than I ever would. :)

    And jotting down ideas on the new book IS working on it, so keep going!

    1. Thanks! Okay, now I don't feel so bad. I didn't think of it as working:) I thought of it as slacking off:)

  2. Don't worry about those free download sites. Often they don't have anything to offer.
    That's a great attitude. Everything else is bonus. That's how I've always felt.

    1. Thank you Alex, you did put me at ease. I don't think they have much to offer either, because you have to sign up and everything. So maybe they are just looking for people to spam. I agree. Everything else is definitely a bonus:) I never expected anyone to actually buy my book, and many did. Thank you for your amazing support the past few months. You are awesome!

  3. Wow! You are an ocean of calm. I'm impressed. And, I agree with Madeline - jotting ideas is writing work! Way to go!

    1. Thank you! I achieved the biggest goal of my life and it has pretty much plastered a smile on my face for the time being:) I never thought of it as writing work. But I definitely am now. One less thing for me to feel guilty about:)

  4. Hi Murees - well done on all your doing and on being so calm and pragmatic about all the things happening around - control what you can and ignore the rest, do what you must do .. and catch up anon. Alex will have reassured you with his note on the free downloads ... cheers and good luck ... Hilary

    1. Thank you so much, Hilary. I agree. I should only worry about what I can control. I'm really trying to manage my stress and time better these days:) You are always so kind and encouraging. Thank you.

  5. No grass growing under your feet as plans for book #2 are already under way.
    I am looking at your book right now and look forward to reading it. Getting the
    outdoors ready for winter is a heavy job and leaves me too tired to read. Soon.

    1. Thank you so much for the support, Manzanita. I really hope you do like my book. No worries about getting to it. I definitely understand. I should do more of an effort to the outside of our house, but I honestly don't know where to start. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you, again.

  6. I agree with Alex. Don't worry about those other sites. They often are phishing sites that take the information but don't actually have anything to sell/give away. They often have malware too, so people can get into a lot of computer trouble for trying to get a book for free. I'm glad you're not obsessing over the sales and stuff. It took me a LONG time to not check my sales reports every few hours. Ugh about having to redo the students' work! Good luck with it all!

    1. Thank you so much for the reassurance, Cherie. When they offered a sign-up form I thought it might be a scam, but I wasn't sure. I don't expect many sales, so it's easier for me, I think. Yes, it is a lot of work, but I guess I should stop whining about and get to it:) Thank you, again.

  7. Well done. I'm sure your brother is grateful to have your work. I'm editing two books, so I'm a busy bee.


    1. Thank you. Wow, congratulations! It's great to be busy right? Good-luck!

  8. The good news is, anyone with any intelligence knows NEVER to download anything "free" out there unless they want a nasty virus that will put all their files and personal information at risk! I'm sure there are people out there who look for free books, but those people just need to go to the library! I'm like you when it comes to book sales. I'd just rather not know. I know people who obsess over it, though, watching those numbers every day. I'd rather just focus on what I can control!

    1. Stephanie - Thank you for putting my mind at ease. You are wonderful. I agree. I don't want to know about the sales. Yes. it's important, but I'd rather just focus on the next book. I tend to get a little obsessed:) Have a great weekend.


Feel free to leave comments. I love comments. But no spam, or hate speech. Your comments will be deleted, and I'd wish you a painful death, and your soul to turn to nothingness.


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