Monday, September 14, 2015

Dynamic Writing 1 by Tyrean Martinson and what I'm up to

I want to give a shout-out to the awesome, Tyrean Martinson and her book, Dynamic Writing! Her book definitely needs some love. Congratulations, Tyrean!

Dynamic Writing 1- 161 Lessons for Middle School Students by Tyrean Martinson – is a full year curriculum for home or classroom use, studying journal, essay, fiction, and poetry writing. Available in paperback at Amazon. The First Fifteen Lessons Are Available for FREE at the website.

* * * * * 

Thank you so much to everyone who have helped/ is still helping me spread the word about my release. Thank you! And the amazing support I've been getting . . . THANK YOU!

I received 2 large batches of data, so I will be back to work. I'm beta reading a book for a friend, and trying to shape the second book in my Thelum Series into shape. I still don't have a proper title yet, but it's in the works. I've rediscovered my love for blogging and will be getting into a regular blogging schedule soon, so you will be seeing me around more often.  Thank you again! 


  1. Hi Murees - that's a great shout out for Tyrean ... and I'm sure teachers/parents etc will find the information useful .. and great to have the first few lessons free at the website.

    Well done on progressing so well ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary. Tyrean is wonderful and I'm sure many students will benefit from her lesson plans.

  2. Congratulations to Tyrean.
    Glad everyone has been spreading the word for you. Don't stress the title. It will come to you.

  3. All of my WIPs go through three or four titles before I finally hit on the right one. Like Alex said, don't stress because it will come to you.

    Congrats to Tyrean—her book makes me wish I were still teaching.

    1. Thank you, M.J. I have started writing a few title ideas. Tyrean is so awesome and hard working.

    2. Thanks, M.J.! I'm sure you could find a class to teach! :)

  4. Yeh for Tyrean! And good to hear you've rediscovered your love for blogging. I know I really enjoy it. :)

    1. Thank you! I've been really bad and neglecting my blog:) But it's helped me get to know so many great people, such as yourself.

  5. Tyrean's book sounds like a good one for middle school kids.

  6. Thanks for the shout-out, Murees! I really appreciate it! I know that titles are tough, but I'm sure that one will come to you through the process of revision.

    1. You are very welcome! It was my pleasure:) I have a few titles in mind, but like you said, the revision stage will help me decide.

  7. Congrats to Tyrean on her new book. And to you, too, of course. I still love your cover!

  8. Congratulations on your book, Tyrean. It sounds great for students. Best of luck to you.

    1. Tyrean is awesome and I know she's very grateful for your comment:)

  9. Tyrean is a gem!! Love her. And good luck with beta reads and writing!

  10. Congrats to Tyrean! And congratulations to you, Murees! I'm so thrilled your book is doing well :)! I'm also trying to get back into blogging and writing again - it feels good to get back into it after so long away :)

    1. Thank you, Rachel. You getting back into writing is fantastic news! Yay!

  11. Congrats to Tyrean! She rocks.
    And congrats to you on your successful release! Glad you got back in the blogging groove too. :)

    1. Thank you, Julie. I'm happy to be back in the groove. It took so long:)

  12. So cool for Tyrean! And it looks like your release is going well. I was honored to be a part of it!

    1. Thank you. I'm the one who was honored to have featured on your blog:) You are so kind.

  13. Grats Tyrean!

    And grats on your release! I've seen you around the blogosphere. I wish you a great deal of success!

  14. I just bought your book, and I look forward to reading it; forgive me if I can't read it right away, though, because I'm currently under an avalanche of papers I have to grade. :(

    1. Wow! Thank you! No problem! I hope you enjoy it:)

  15. Congratulations to Tyrean.

    Yay for blogging love and a renewal of blogging energy!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  16. Congrats to Tyrean! I hope you're having a great weekend, Murees!

  17. Congratulations, Tyrean. You had a great idea Best wishes with your new book.

  18. Hi , just checking in to see how things are going. Small world. I just read Tyrean'a book and loved it. It's changed the way my son approaches his writing assignments. I reviewed it on my blog

    1. I'm so happy that it was helpful for your son. Tyrean is really amazing.

  19. Congrats to Tyrean. Good to see your busy on book 2, Murees :-)

  20. Woot, woot! Nothing beats launch season.


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I am alive and well. Life keeps going on.  I've started re-formatting the e-book of the Executioner (my 2nd fantasy book in my Thelum se...