Monday, September 28, 2015

Doing my happy-dance for writing

Forget about being on top of the world. I'm on top of the plant.

Today I feel like I'm on top of the world. Why? Nope, I didn't sell a million copies of my book. But what I did do was get some serious writing done last night. I haven't written anything new in months and lost all confidence that I would be able to in the future. Last night I proved myself wrong, and I'm so happy, I'm doing my happy-dance.

It is surprising how much confidence one can lose when you doubt yourself and your abilities. I was honestly so afraid that I wouldn't ever be able to write anything again. I have been in editing and revision mode for almost a year now. Luckily I haven't allowed myself to get depressed. Every time I feel the depression creep up on me, I remind myself that I juts achieved my life goal, so there is no reason to be depressed, and if I do get depressed I would be ungrateful for all I have achieved. Honestly, chastising myself doesn't always work, but mostly it does. I'm planning on doing some more writing today:) Yay!

Do I have a new goal you wonder? Of course, to keep on writing and publishing. But not just that . . . but to actually write the stories I want to without thinking what will others say/think. I want to truly embrace my inner artist and gain more confidence as a person/ woman. Believe it or not, but I have a huge problem with self-confidence, much to the annoyance to the people around me.

How are you doing today?


  1. with #28 going to Amazon this week...maybe one day I'll find that book that people will want to read. :O]

    1. Congratulations and good-luck! I'm sure there are people waiting for you to release it so that they can devour it.

  2. Often we just have to adjust our mindset in order to accomplish a project.
    The more I think about actually "doing" certain things, the more I panic.
    I guess we have to roll up our sleeves and "do it." You did and yay for Murres.
    I'm joining you in the happy dance.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Manzanita. Please, do join me in the happy dance. It's fun:)

  3. Hi Murees - well done - and for realising you can do it - and don't need to let depression get to you ... you can roll it away from you ... take care and enjoy the rest of the week -Hilary

    1. Thank you. I am definitely trying my best to keep that depression monster at bay.

  4. Well done on the writing! And I hear you about the self-confidence. It's tough, but it's so important to work on because it affects so many aspects of our lives.

    1. Thanks! I agree. My lack in confidence is making me insecure in all aspects of my life now, and not just my writing. But like you said, I'm definitely working on it.

  5. Glad you found the inspiration well wasn't dried up! I got in both some writing and revisions this weekend.
    And I'm still stunned people want to read what I wrote...

    1. Congratulations on your progress. You are the man! I know, right? I still can't believe I sold more than one copy:)

  6. Good for you! Dance away! I always get doubts when I finish writing something. But you've achieved something amazing once, and you can definitely do it again. Just make more goals, to keep yourself focused :-)

    1. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I think my new goals need a bit more detail, or at least refining:)

  7. Dance and sleep on the flowers!

    i struggle with self-confidence, too. What I am working on right now is just for me.

    1. I would never have guessed you struggle with self-confidence. You're so amazing! I definitely hear you on working on projects that are for yourself. I should do that more often.

  8. Sometimes that's like the best spot to be! Speaking of happy dance, I think, no I know every time I put happy anything together, all sorts of positive things happen!

    1. I feel that way too. I put all my efforts into my writing and I'm getting back so much support and positive vibes, I'm feeling very blessed.

  9. Whenever I get a lot of writing done, I feel fabulous too. After all, we are writers. ;)

    Let's dance!!! :D

    1. Agreed. Let's dance until our feet ache:) Thank you for stopping by.

  10. Yay! I'm thrilled that you're back in the swing of things. :-)

  11. So glad to hear it!
    Sometimes the brain just needs a break!

  12. YAY for writing. I've found it's the one thing we can we need to focus on that. I just started trying to use Scrivener. I've never been an outliner, but I think I SHOULD plan ahead...maybe not plan the whole book out ahead of time, but just a little of it at a time.

    1. Agreed. The writing we can control, or in my case . . . sometimes. Depending on my mood. I don't really have an extensive outline, but I do write down a few ideas for each chapter. I haven't used scrivener yet, but I know many writers swear by it.

  13. Congratulations on the great writing time! I struggle with self-confidence and my writing, as well. I hope we can both get to that place where we are writing what we love. :)

    1. Thank you Tyrean. I hope we do get to that place. I know it will make me happier. You are amazing.

  14. This is great news! I'm glad to hear you found confidence in your writing and in yourself, even if it may seem like a small thing to others, it's something big to you because it means something to you. I'm happy you found something to be happy about because it's coming from your own work of heart. Keep it up. As long as you do what makes you happy and don't worry about what others say/think, that is what really matters. Wishing you well on your future goals, writing, and life! By the way, I'm loving your new page background. Really does brighten up my mood and I can see that in you as well. =) ♥

    1. Thank you! You are so awesome and kind. I think the background really helps. The red started to hurt my eyes and now . . . the background does make me feel happier. Thank you so much for visiting.

  15. I had a couple month stint after the baby was born where I couldn't write, and I started to worry that 4 kids is the magic # where a woman's brain ceases to work forever. Thankfully, we all get overly dramatic at times.

    1. We're 4 kids. To this day I still feel sorry for my mom, because she says we still argue like toddlers. So, don't feel bad when you get overwhelmed. You are doing great!

  16. Good for you! It's a great feeling to write what you want to write, because it helps make up all the times that we wish we could be writing. I know it's hard not to worry what others will say or think (especially because I worry about it all the time), but it is important not to let their opinions cloud your writing; as we know, especially these days, there's always someone out there who doesn't like EVERYTHING (and that's the type of person we should avoid).


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