Monday, May 4, 2015

Getting in shape

I didn’t mention this before, but for the past month and a half I started walking as a way to not only get in shape, but to also beat my depression. Its working wonders and I didn’t want to mention it here if I couldn’t get myself to keep doing it. Unfortunately, two weeks ago I got the flu and I’m still not recovered properly, so I haven’t walked in two weeks, but I’m anxious to get back to my walking schedule. I’m actually going for a walk after this.

My sister even got me a pedometer to keep track of my walking progress. It monitors the amount of steps I take, the amount of calories burned and distance walked, which is good. Luckily we have a long backyard and that is where I do most of my walking. I do laps of the backyard with my mp3 player providing me with great music and I actually enjoy it. More even, it is a type of exercise I don’t mind doing and when I feel stressed I go outside and go walk (pace). My walking has gotten the neighbors curious though, because they can see over the wall and want to know what I’m doing, or if I've lost my mind. As long as I work up a sweat and feel good, I don’t really care what my neighbors think. 

So, how are you feeling on this Monday? 


  1. Fred, she's circling the back yard again!
    Walking is great for the body and the mind. Keep at it.

  2. Exercise of any kind certainly helps boost one's mood. Hope you feel better so you can resume.

    1. Thank you. I can't wait to get better too. The flu is tough, though.

  3. I always feel better after doing some exercise - I just wish I had your motivation to do it! Hope you feel better soon :)

  4. That is really great you found time to exercise and use it to remedy/calm your sickness, stress, and depression. I hope you feel better. I've recently been working out just so I don't feel so lazy and it's helping me to have some pumped energy. Keep it up with exercising. ^^

    1. Thank you! I will. If I don't exercise my depression kicks my butt.


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