Monday, May 11, 2015

We all start at the bottom, right?

I’m feeling much better after being sick with the flu for over two weeks. I still get dizzy when I walk for too long, but I guess it will take some time to get back into exercising. Thank you to everyone who wished me well. You guys are awesome!

Today I had a new experience. I had to close my bank account with the bank I had been with for ten years. Why? Because they couldn’t give me an account that could accommodate my unique needs. Because I do data for my brother I don’t earn a “wow” salary. Basically the consultant told me that I didn’t earn enough to have the account I wanted with the specific bank, which made me feel really crappy. I’m still a poor writer and might always be a poor writer, but damn, don’t be mean about it.

So, I went to another bank who could not only give me the account type I wanted, but they didn’t make a big deal about me not earning big bucks. They welcomed my business and when I went back to my bank to close my account, there was so much crap to go through before I could successfully close my account. But I am sorted out now and it was a very unique experience. My new bank doesn’t care how much I earn, as long as I can afford to maintain my account, they’re happy.

I’ve never actually spoken about the financial aspect of my life, but I am ready to now. I still live in my family home, which my brother now owns and because he’s a researcher, he needs someone to do his data (because none of his interns wish to do it), which I do from home. I also do a few other administrative tasks for him. In exchange, I get to live at home without paying rent and I get free meals and he pays my medication/ medical bills. Also, I have to help my mom out in the house and accompany her when she does shopping or run errands. For cash I do my oldest sister’s admin and her chores, which my mom insists all of us do (because she wants us to stay humble).  My other sister, the chef, buys my toiletries and whatever I need in exchange for me taking care of her and my brother's pets (which I count as my own anyway). I'm the youngest of 4 kids by the way, if you're confused right now. 

I don’t mind doing all of the above because I still get to have more writing time than I did when I had other jobs and I get to help my family out, whom I love more than anything. Living my current lifestyle might never make me rich, but I’m happy. Isn’t that what counts? I think so. Besides, my mom and siblings take excellent care of me. What more could I want? 
So, do you ever get treated differently because you don’t earn a lot of money? If so, what did you do about it? I’m curious.


  1. Glad you found a bank that wasn't so tight about money.
    I think you have a good set up now. You get to help your family and write. And it sounds like you enjoy it. That should be all that matters!

    1. Thank you, Alex. I definitely think it is the best job I've had so far.

  2. I'm glad you've found a better bank - I've never heard of banks doing things like that to their customers, it's outrageous. It sounds like you're really happy where you're at right now, and that's all that matters :). I've never really been treated differently because of finances/my job as far as I'm aware, though my dad has said to me that I can't be a teaching assistant for the rest of my life - but I love my job, and at the end of the day it's my choice :).

    1. Thank you for your kindness. I'm happy with my life at the moment and I'm glad it comes across. I'm exactly where I wanted to be. You are so right, it is your choice and as long as you are happy, that's all that matters. Besides, you're likely going to be a full-time author one of these days.

  3. Thank you for your kind words. My situation is ideal for me right now and working from home makes me feel so much happier.

  4. I've never had a problem with a bank because of a low income, but when I was a stay-at-home mom, even though we had X's salary, people often looked down on me because I didn't work outside of the house. It hurt my feelings. When I became a newspaper reporter, it bothered me that people who had never spoken to me before suddenly started acting as if we were best buddies. I'm glad that taking care of your family makes you happy. That's a very important job. You are the glue that holds everything together.


    1. Thank you, Janie. People can be so judgmental. I'm sorry you had to experience that.

  5. I had to do something similar with my bank because they were going to charge me too much money every month to have the account.

    I'd say if you're happy, that's what's most important. Writing time is invaluable!

    Also, I have three siblings, too. :)

    1. Thank you. Yay, for big families :) They definitely help make life interesting, right? Changing banks kind of makes you feel crappy, right? It is definitely not a nice experience.

  6. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters :) Good luck for wherever you go!


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